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Corona vaccine from the United States is in the hot Phase

In the race for a Corona vaccine in the United States, a promising agent in the hot Phase of his trial. A clinical Phase III I study to be a vaccine candidate of US Biotech firm Moderna, informed the competent health authority of the NIH on Monday. “The study, conducted at clinical research sites in the United States, are expected to attend about 30 000 adult volunteers who have no COVID-19.”

In a Phase III study, it is checked whether a vaccine is actually protecting against infection. In a similarly advanced stage, only a hand will be explored according to the WHO, currently full of other active ingredients. dpa/CHINATOPIX/AP/dpa A biotechnological method to accelerate the development of a vaccine against Covid-19.

In previously carried out Tests with Moderna-in the medium had developed subjects, according to NIH for antibodies against the causative agent of Sars-CoV-2. So, therefore, in the case of 45 participants in the age from 18 to 55 years of age no serious side effects have occurred. The volunteers got within two months, two injections of the RNA vaccine and developed more neutralizing antibodies than persons for whom a Coronavirus was the infection been diagnosed. Moderna said in a message from a “robust immune response”.

when to expect unique results, is the US-according to the authorities is unclear. Some subjects would receive their second Dose of vaccine until the end of November. NIH Director Francis Collins was optimistic, however, that a means will soon be available: “A safe and effective vaccine that will be distributed by the end of 2020, is a great goal, but it is the right destination for the American people”.

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