The mask is outside could it become the norm in the next few weeks in France, if the signs of recovery of the epidemic is confirmed ? Visiting in the Yvelines department to oversee the distribution of 50 million masks to the homes of the most modest, the minister of Health Olivier Veran has indicated that it recommended its port, outside only in some specific situations. Several cities of France, including Quiberon, where a cluster of 72 persons has been detected, have already made it mandatory for the wearing of the mask in the centre of town or city streets.

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“For the past few days, there has been an increase of virus activity in some places of our country,” said the minister, citing particularly the case of the Mayenne, where the mask is now mandatory and outdoors where any gathering of more than 10 persons is prohibited. “The world health Organization recognizes a serious risk of transmission of aerosol of the virus,” he said to explain the need to wear a mask. Olivier Veran has, therefore, prompted the port of the mask outside, depending on the situation : “If you are in a street where there are several people who are going to wander and you are not sure of being able to keep the distance, I recommend it. “

Eight million masks will be distributed

More than eight million people will receive in ten to fifteen a few days a lot of six masks in their mailboxes, washable, each twenty times, said the minister, who has visited on a platform of logistics and a different distribution of The la Poste group. “We have prioritized the territories with the highest virus activity, and the overseas departments, including French Guyana,” said Olivier Véran.

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” there cannot be the slightest financial barrier to protect themselves “, he stressed, welcoming the efforts of this distribution in the home ” without a approach to achieve “. All the masks come of the stock of State, he also said.

a Call to “the youth”

not excluding the possibility of a resurgence of the epidemic in France, even if this is not the case for the moment, the minister has made for example, Belgium or Catalonia, where, ” ten days ago, there was no second wave and where they are now in difficulty.” He concluded his statement by an appeal addressed ” primarily to the vulnerable groups “.

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“The people carrying diseases, frailties and people who are older should limit contacts “and especially” don’t hesitate to wear a mask, including in outer space “. “The second call, it is for the youth,” said Olivier Véran. “It is necessary to be able to enjoy life and the holidays, but it is also necessary to protect yourself and others. “

The cluster of Quiberon grows

The focus of contagion to the Covid-19 in Quiberon is now 72 people, 32 additional cases, announced on Wednesday that the prefecture of the Morbihan and the ARS, and believed that the cluster had a “high potential” transmission. The screening of contact persons at risk identified during the investigations carried out by the regional agency of health (ARS) and the sickness Insurance ” has enabled us to identify 32 additional cases, bringing the total number of confirmed cases for this cluster of 72 cases.” The majority is between 18 and 25 years old.

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screening operations to a “drive” to Quiberon take place each day since Saturday and more than a thousand people have been the subject of a test, according to the same source. “The more young people are called not to participate in events private or public which are incompatible with observance of the rules of estrangement “, says the press release.

” We record clusters (outbreaks) that are brought often by festive activities “, insisted for his part, Olivier Véran, referring to Quiberon. “It is not safe because we are young and we are still less safe to pass “, he insisted.

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Under the nose or the chin… Our dangerous little arrangements with the mask