The 11 900 us military based in Germany, is preparing to change countries or to make their return across the Atlantic. The head of the Pentagon, Mark Esper, has announced that a part of the armed forces of the United States presence in Europe would soon be relocated in Belgium and enItalie. In addition to these two countries, Washington is also a repositioning of its forces in Poland and in the baltic States. An agreement has yet to be found with these States.

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Mark Esper has assured that the aim was strategic, in particular as a deterrent against Russia, but, a few minutes after the press conference of the head of the Pentagon, Donald Trump has explained that this withdrawal was due to the refusal of Germany to ” pay more “. “We are fed up of being pigeons, said since the White House the american president to the press. We are reducing our forces because they do not pay. It is very simple. “

2 000 soldiers, in Italy and in Belgium

Of the approximately 34 500 military personnel are currently deployed in Germany, approximately 6 400 will be repatriated to the United States, while 5 600 other will be repositioned in other Nato countries, ” said Mark Esper. About 2,000 soldiers will be split between Italy and Belgium. The command in the u.s. military in Europe (Eucom), currently based in Stuttgart, will be moving to Mons, Belgium, where the Nato command, which will save the american general who heads traditionally the two commandments of the back-and-forth between the two countries.

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The command in the u.s. military for Africa (Africom), which is also located in Stuttgart, could also move, but no decision has yet been made, said the head of the Pentagon. The 2 500 members of the US Air Force stationed on the base of Mildenhall, in the United Kingdom, and which had to reposition itself in Germany, will remain in the United Kingdom. Mark Esper has indicated that the first moves could take place in ” a few weeks “, but Donald Trump has hinted that the plan could be reviewed. “If they started paying their bills, I would think. “