The Corona App is in the criticism, but it is also an effective means to identify chains of Infection from Covid-19 and under-break. But it works with the App of the RKI to date, only domestic. Now, the EU has commissioned according to the information of Wirtschaftswoche, the German developer SAP and Deutsche Telekom in order to change that. In Detail, the two companies will develop a platform that allows Apps from different countries can Communicate with each other.

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soon to exchanges across countries, So soon, for example, the German with the French App data and Vice versa. The Apps are able to keep track of chains of Infection internationally, and the authorities can stop as well across countries. A Commission spokesman confirmed the EU, the WiWo that the technical solution was found and the legal framework has been created. Thus, the international use of Apps in the way. How much the project will cost, has not been communicated. The Federal government has a Warning for the English App used anyway, right deep in the pocket.

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critics put themselves in the position of

The German Corona App has been downloaded 16 million times and installed. If you have any questions about the App, we recommend you speaking to our FAQ article to the App. In the past few weeks, some of the problems, however, came to light. So the App has not warned the users not always reliable. The problem was that many device manufacturers, including Samsung, Huawei and other to install large caliber in the industry – own battery-saving modes on their Smartphones. Preventing Apps from running in the Background, or turn off background activities automatically. What is in everyday life and when other Apps are useful, the Corona App is a hindrance. Because of the automatic adjustment of the key is prevented. It is only when you open the App, it will update the key and warns you.

Also the privacy in the criticism. Among other things, an AFD-politician has made an App on the tracks, the user warns of the Corona App. The Plan, however, was clearly in the pants. That measure, however, the double standard, reveals our comment to the App significantly.

This article was written by Michael Büttner

*The post “Corona-App: Deutsche developers take the next step” will be released by Inside Digital. Contact with the executives here.

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