one of the tasks of the youth social work in schools it also, holiday offers for students of the target group. As in the Easter and Whitsun holidays due to the Corona pandemic, no holiday projects could take place, planned holidays, the youth social worker of the Anton Kliegl-medium school in Bad Kissingen, Ann-Kathrin Schmidt (JaS, gfi GmbH), some of the projects for the summer. Of course, care was taken in all of the projects on distance and hygiene rules.

On Monday, the project “play & fun in the Outdoors” took place. Through various team games, the students strengthened their social skills and team skills. In addition, the competition, the tolerance for frustration games strengthened. In the afternoon there was a hip-hop course that was led by Tristan Kempf, dance teacher at the dance school, Drozd Tessari,. The course is also a youth social worker at the middle school in Hammelburg, Lilia Trotno with a student.

In good weather could take place on Tuesday, the project “water games”. “Philosophizing on the subject of friendship” on Wednesday on the program. The children were able to learn the value of friendship from different angles to know. Through the intercultural group composition but also the intercultural exchange was stimulated. At the end, the students created a Collage and made friendship bracelets.

On Thursday pupils could participate in on a concentration training. Through various Exercises, the concentration ability has been strengthened. It is important, however, that the concentration was playful strengthened, because it is a holiday offer. One of the tasks was, for example, that the students were given a story read aloud and should paint the Belonged to it.

Creative Design was held twice. On Friday, were with pupils of the 5. Classes T-Shirts, gym bags and masks decorated on Monday with students of the 6. Classes window painted as well as masks and turn designed bag. The objectives are to strengthen the ability to concentrate, as well as the fine motor skills and Express their own creativity. Furthermore, it comes to make together as a group of different things in order to strengthen the feeling of community.

On Tuesday, 4. In August, the project is “I say Yes to me”. In this project, girls have to deal with the issue of “self-esteem” and “self-awareness”. Goal is the introduction to a positive image of the own I is. After the positive feedback from the students, there will be some of the offerings in the next school year again.

This article was written by the editorial

*The contribution of “In-game and Tinkering with the community” the strengths published by Contact with the executives here.