der Standard, Austria: “is not illegal to be A dickhead is against the law. This is from a Hollywood Film that is almost thirty years old and should apply in any country. But weak intimate behavior, the other is threatened, should – no, must be set limits. The Berlin police has proved on Saturday maybe to large long-suffering. But mind proved the that not came to Berlin. At 20,000 demonstrators to the Rest of the 82 million is in the Majority. And that is somewhat reassuring.”

“Lidove noviny”, Czech Republic: “allows you to democracy, governments, dismiss, or you to call, at least, to resign. Therefore, freedom of speech is freedom of speech and Assembly, which must also be under the conditions of a pandemic to maintain. (…) Despite all the concerns, we can say that the protests against the Corona-measures are a good Test for democracy. They are not something that could happen in China – and probably not in South Korea or Taiwan. (…) We can say that the German democracy had passed the Test on Saturday. The police broke up the protest, with around 20 000 participants, and only after, despite repeated calls, the rules of hygiene were not met.”

read also: “What outrage is this?”: After the Mega-Demo-criticism of Berlin’s government is acting according to the

“call for harsher penalties in view of the practice hollow”

“journal”, Luxembourg: “The right to demonstrate is a high constitutional asset. However, if the health requirements are ignored in favour of intentionally miss, must intervene, the state consistently. By the way, not only in protest marches. So it was in the last three weeks of July alone in the public transport of the [German] capital to come to 30,000 violations of the mask duty. But in only 200 cases a fine was imposed. The call for harsher penalties in view of this practice is quite hollow.” Annette Riedl/dpa

“Haberturk”, Turkey (Translation of “Germany radio”): “Can be crazy, 20,000 people so to call that the pandemic is over?“ asks the Turkish newspaper. “Yes, you can, like on Saturday in Berlin showed. The participants of the Corona-Demonstration called for the repeal of all prohibitions, including the mask of duty. Germany has mastered the Corona-crisis very well so far. But with the return of holidaymakers from abroad, the number of Infected has increased to a daily 900. And then the protesters still claim that the pandemic was a lie.”

read also: Live-Ticker-for-pandemic – Corona-pandemic: Doctors are bitching about the Free testing – “a bad joke”

“A question of basic human respect”

Some of the international Newspapers commented on the increasing unwillingness of some people to adhere to the Corona-protection measures.

“such a performer novice”, Slovenia (Translation of “Euro-topics”) : “It shows that we co-exist in the family, in the circle of friends in the neighborhood, at work, and generally just all people should respect that. This is a question of basic human respect. This is just so, if one wishes Good to all and anyone, something Bad would like to add. To this belongs also that you comply with measures that serve the preservation of the health of our own and of the people around us. In times of the Coronavirus, there are simple measures that is already familiar to small children.”

“Tagblatt”, Switzerland: “ freedom, said Hegel, is not easy to do what they wanted, but to be able to do, what to Think, after all the best as reasonable appear. This also includes the error, but it is not mere arbitrariness. ‘The will’, as Hegel continues, ‘is just as thinking freely.’ Hegel died, probably of plague, of Cholera. As he would today draw the line between individual freedoms and the epidemic of police measures, it remains speculation. Certainly he would not condemn but every state act that aims to protect the health of the people. And perhaps he would resent the people who view it as their freedom to put others at risk to life and limb.”

“El Periódico de Catalunya”, Spain (Translation of “Euro-topics”): “rather than penalties, would be the way of the pedagogy more effectively, and with clarity and consistency, none of which are lacking to date often. And, in any case, you should listen to them. …Of the labour market in the 21st century closes. Century Born, the doors, the economic crisis is clouding you with plans for your future. And the young people have a curfew, which has boosted their sociability. To refer to them without thinking and without the reasons behind the questions as irresponsible, doesn’t help anyone.” Angler draws huge underwater creature from the lake of Constance PCP Angler draws huge underwater creature from the lake of Constance to The issue of refugees Merz complains three Times about the “shame of Europe”, FOCUS Online/Wochit At the issue of refugees complains Merz three Times about the “shame of Europe”
