At the start, it was a simple hobby to kill the boredom. Jailed for seven and a half years for drug trafficking, Arbi Madhaj has experienced several prisons in the west of France, and spent a year in solitary confinement after a love story with a supervisor within the prison. “This is where I got the idea of a game company, because of the isolation, it is hard, time is long “, he says to the Point.

“I découpais paper to make cards where I jotted down the offences and the penalties that I saw on BFM TV,” recalls Arbi Madhaj, which will eventually provide a penal Code for it to complete its maps. A calendar will become the game board, each day corresponding to a box representing the moments that punctuate the life of the prisoners : walk, visiting room, an appointment with the lawyer, sport…

Read also the isolation of prison, Redoine Faïd describes “a life of an outcast”

A tool for prevention

Every player starts by pulling a card offence, and receives the corresponding penalty, that fixed the date of his release from prison. As and as one progresses on the plateau, one sometimes falls on the boxes ” disciplinary offence “, which required to draw a card giving a penalty… and lose a part of the remission possible. On the other hand, green boxes of good behavior are entitled to remissions of sentence additional.

” the More time that passed, the more I found that it could be a good tool. “Released on the 26th of march, in full confinement, he sets out to make his game company. He knocks at the door of a printer rennes, Micro Lynx, who helps him to realize his project. The principle remains the same, only the plateau is changing, 365 boxes on the calendar to 52 boxes. “Otherwise, it would be too long. “Baptized RPS for” remission of sentence extra “, the game of Arbi Madhaj is printed in 100 copies and sold since the end of July 89 euros on its website. A few days later, “he left me a lot of copies !” he says.

at the End of July, the game of Arbi Madhaj has been printed in 100 copies, all almost already sold out. © Arbi Madhaj

Assembled by an insertion workshop, the game is also accompanied by a booklet of prevention, identifying ” stories that evoke the harm that we cause ourselves and our families by going to jail “. New boxes will be produced, ” says Arbi Madhaj, who especially want to intervene with young people to raise awareness of the crime. “I am particular in contact with the closed educational centres. The game is aimed at young people to show them that the prison is, it’s not worth the shot. “

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