The Norway announced Thursday to pass the France in the red zone because of the re-emergence of the case of coronavirus, leading to a mandatory quarantine of ten days for all travelers arriving from France in the scandinavian country. Are also affected, Switzerland, Monaco and the Czech Republic, as well as two Swedish regions, because their prevalence of Covid-19 is also passed back to the top of the 20 new cases per 100 000 inhabitants during the last two weeks, details the ministry of foreign Affairs in a press release. These measures will come into force in the night from Thursday to Friday.

One of the European countries most closed to travelers for the containment, Norway – which is not a member of the european Union, but belongs to the Schengen area of free movement of persons – had come to make a concession. On 15 July, it had lifted restrictions on travel with the majority of european countries, including France.

“The situation is infectious and can change quickly,”

“These developments confirm the position that has held the government since the beginning (of the outbreak) : the situation is infectious and can change rapidly, as the restrictions,” said the minister of foreign Affairs, Ine Eriksen Soreide, cited by the press release. Travellers from countries classified as ” red ” will now be required to observe a mandatory quarantine of ten days. The ministry has further specified to maintain its overall recommendation against travel “non-essential” until 20 August.