scientists from the Institute for pathophysiology and Allergy research, medical University of Vienna found that only about 60 percent of the Covid-19 diseased and convalescent subjects of their study to develop protective antibodies. They published their results in the journal “Allergy”.

For their analysis, they examined the data from 25 subjects. Only six of the subjects, the antibodies inhibited the binding of the Virus to the ACE2 Receptor by more than 50 percent, the inhibited of the nine subjects you to up to 50 percent.

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Some of the antibodies showed no (positive) effect

The binding, not inhibit, the antibody of the five subjects. In the case of the other five subjects, the researchers also found that the Virus was able to better than before docking to the ACE2 Receptor of the cell. The re-infection of the cell was simplified through the use of your body’s own antibodies for the Virus – they acted as a kind of “double-agents”, once for and once against the own body.

Specifically, the researchers discovered a team that only 60 percent of recovering Covid-19-patients have antibodies developed that inhibit the interaction of the Sars-CoV-2 receptor binding domain (RBD) with ACE2. The ACE2 Receptor (Angiotensin-converting enzyme-2) for Sars-CoV-2 is found in particular in the respiratory and other Virus-affected organs.

a Specific type of immune complex could make the Virus in the body easily

The researchers found that certain immune complexes, consisting of RBD and antibodies of the patients, have an increased retention rate of ACE2. That would be a not yet known mechanism that allows the Virus, easier on the body cells to dock .

“This is the first study that shows an increased binding to ACE2 by immune complexes, consisting of RBD and patients antibodies”, explains study leader Rudolf Valenta. “This makes the Virus potentially easier to establish themselves and spread.” Further research is now to find out what exactly this means for immunity and vaccine development. More to the Coronavirus coronavirus infection: 4 factors to decide whether there are too many aerosols in space to fly in Corona, times – shows how high the risk of Infection is really “Corona-weather report”: researchers can now predict where infection cluster arise as a Professor, explains that 2. Lockdown survives Germany only under three conditions. Full recovery not sure: Corona-patients suffer for weeks after the infection, and risk of hypertension: the heart,-explained the Professor, for whom the answer is a Corona-risk

antibody not only for the functioning of the immune responsible

it has been shown That some of the Covid-19-Convalescent only have a short period of time using antibodies against Sars-CoV-2, already in several studies. “The extent of this impact for the long-term immunity and vaccination strategies, is currently speculative, but it has to be observed critically,” said about Clemens Wendtner, chief physician of the clinic for infectious diseases at the Munich, clinic Schwabing, after a German study came to similar results. All the important messages to the Coronavirus in the FOCUS Online Newsletter. Subscribe now.

the first German Corona patients were examined. In four of the nine patients studied, a few months after the recovery, a drop in the number of neutralizing antibodies. Wendtner admitted that these results could indicate that after made disease a Neuansteckung is possible.

This must, however, be further observed. For the long-term immunity is in addition to the so-called B-cell-associated antibodies measured immunity, the so-called T-cell immunity relevant. If patients lose neutralizing antibodies, could provide this immunity, and may be an alternative protection. T-lymphocytes are able to kill virus-infected cells in a targeted manner, if you have studied your opponents even know. Massive Explosion dozens injured, army, Beirut, shake – in the use of FOCUS Online/Wochit Massive Explosion dozens injured, army, Beirut, shake – in use

jala / dpa