No lengthy Test procedure, but consistent home insulation, as soon as in the environment of a Corona case aufploppt: this is a proposal of a strategy for the autumn and Winter, and thus for a possible second Corona-shaft in Germany, is back Christian Drosten from his personal summer break.

As the Covid-19-epidemic arrived in Germany, have responded to the country quickly and well, the early and short Lockdown of the economy a lot of damage saves, the virologist in a “time”-guest post. “But now we are in danger of frittering away our success,” says Drosten, and be presented immediately with his Plan to avert the danger in the best possible way: the Cluster-strategy.

So the Cluster works-strategy

Means, in practical terms: We should not test in the first line a lot, but rather to so-called source cluster focus. Situations in which an Infected person could have infected many other people, for example, because he has sat with you in the office or in the classroom, he has been with you at football training or in the gym together, has trained.

“Many of them could be infectious without knowing it.” For Tests, the results of which are frequently not available until several days later, lacked the time, says the virologist. The members of the source cluster would need insulation with a proven record of Sars-CoV-2-Positive, therefore, immediately in the Home. Because: “you are driving the pandemic.”

“The targeted containment of clusters is apparently more important than the identification of individual cases by wide testing.”

Tested these people, only then, five days later. As long as the insulation is expected to last at home. On the Basis of more recent data on the excretion of the Virus is the contrary, so far, to the contrary, recommendations of the Robert Koch-Institute enough, declares Drosten was. “Because we now know that the infectious stage lasts about a week, the first two days prior to symptom onset,” explains the Professor of the Berlin Charité. “I wouldn’t call this mixture of quarantine and isolation ‘cooldown’ to the concept of dilute to it,” he continued. “At the end of these five days (and not before) to test the members of the cluster.”

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Who receives a negative test result or a certain viral load is below, and so as not contagious is to be considered, it is allowed to move freely again. “Such a blanket arrangement for the Cluster is to be absorbed, and certainly better than a nonselective Lockdown,” says the virologist.

foci of infection could soon “occur everywhere at the same time”

Why it needs right now is a new concept for the Corona-testing? Because most of the chains of Infection were so far to understand clearly. New cases could soon occur, but “everywhere at the same time, in all counties, in all age groups,” says Drosten. “Then the staff poorly equipped health services are overwhelmed, finally in order to regulate the quarantine of any individual person to Contact.” The result: The strategy to complete tracking and testing is the only concrete suspicion falls down.

“Such a blanket arrangement for the Cluster is to be absorbed, and certainly better than a nonselective Lockdown.”

Japan had succeeded, with the Cluster method in the spring to dominate the first wave, in spite of a significant number of imported infections without Lockdown. “Targeted containment of clusters is apparently more important than the identification of individual cases by wide testing”, therefore, says Drosten.

epidemiologist called Drosten-strategy “effective,” but “not desirable”

epidemiologist Ralf Reintjes confirmed this assessment in an interview with FOCUS Online, and keeps down the pandemic intensity of the chokes by means of the Drosten-strategy for possible – although by no means constitutes a scenario, that is, from an epidemiological point of view, desirable. The consistent tracking of each individual chain of infection should be the ultimate goal, says the Professor of the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg.

“If the Numbers are on the rise and the health authorities will no longer be able to every case to investigate and identify their contacts, and to isolate, then the Lord Drosten proposed method is quite an effective way to prevent the Virus spread uncontrollably among the population”, says he.

Also Ulrike Protzer Helmholtz Virologist and Director of the Institute for Virology at the technical University of Munich, holds the Cluster-strategy the Japanese model is very sensible, says in an Interview with RTL and ntv. “We need to rethink in the fall and need to isolate, to be fast, all the possible contact people first, then test.”

Mass infection in the Bud

The approach to choking one of the main problems in the national epidemic could be – if not solve – but at least to mitigate: the unnoticed Transmission of the Virus, because symptoms are absent or delayed onset. Epidemiologist Reintjes explains: “If we wait for a total of very many cases to the positive test result and Infected and then isolate only happened the Infection until then, may already be so massively more advanced, that we should gain time, in order to prevent mass infection.”

Clearly had to be here, that under the then Isolated with actually Healthy find Reintjes to bear in mind. The Infection grows further, it could contribute to the early and full Isolation of the Cluster members, however, crucial for the containment of the contagions.

to prevent us change of strategy was in front of a second Lockdown?

If Germany can prevent is a recurrence of Lockdown, as it hopes Drosten, because does not want to set the epidemiologist. “That’s not so far to predict.” Regional outbreaks are usually get on well with regional measures, he says.

“It is to be feared that it will be pay after the holiday season, and for many regions with high case and we could see a pretty hot autumn and Winter. Therefore, it now depends on each Individual not to comply with the applicable measures, so that it comes to a Situation like this in the first place.“ More to the Coronavirus coronavirus infection: 4 factors to decide whether there are too many aerosols in space to fly in Corona, times – shows how high the risk of Infection is really “Corona-weather report”: researchers can now predict where infection cluster arise as a Professor, explains that 2. Lockdown survives Germany only under three conditions. Full recovery not sure: Corona-patients suffer for weeks after the infection, and risk of hypertension: the heart,-explained the Professor, for whom the Corona-risk is Video shows: mask objector gets a beating in a plane to Ibiza, FOCUS Online/Wochit Video shows: mask objector gets a beating in a plane to Ibiza, Up to 38 degrees hot: Jetstream hits the road – Scorcher in August of PCP Up to 38 degrees hot: Jetstream hits the road – Scorcher in August