there is a curve diagram for Union politicians – the graphics of two important men were over long distances in a similar way. Jens Spahn (CDU) and Markus Söder (CSU), you will find a striking parallelism. For example: Long critics were both declared Angela Merkel-on-the-go, but now you have to run with the Chancellor on the same track. Earlier you were Clear-edge announcements, like stresses conservative, now they have a pleasing mid-course. And also the effect for the Flipped is similar: a few months Ago yet they were worth many as the perfect image of the enemy, suddenly you are popular. Very popular.

This success inspires not only the Federal health Minister and Bavaria’s Minister-President, but also the imagination of many Union people: wouldn’t it Be ideal, the a – Spahn – would the CDU-Chairman, and the other – Söder – would be Chancellor candidate of the Union?

Skeptical look at Spahns Loyalty-oath

It is a scenario that don’t officially exist. Irrelevant it is not, therefore, however. Söder has felt asserts 798mal that he sees his place in the future in Bavaria. And Spahn has always supported reiterated that he Laschet of North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister of Armin as a candidate for the CDU presidency. The probability, however, that the first announcement will be call at the beginning of next year, to be published in August 2020 as a legal high.

And how is the Spahns Loyalty oath?

FOCUS Online Margarete van Ackerens Berlin week

time as a pensioner-fright, and Social-Philistine

Spahn is ambitious. Extremely ambitious. And so he was often very early. At the age of 22 he came into the Bundestag, he was almost always faster than others. Even with awards research. Not a few in his own party have it increases once because of his criticism of pension and its harsh message to the address of Hartz IV recipients to be celebrated. The Active of the young Union, for example. Beyond this Fankreise but the trained banker has acquired an Image with the climb may be steep, but not in the highest spheres can penetrate as iconoclasts against the Chancellor of the inside of the monument to bring it in times like these, not very far.

retired-Schreck, Social Philistine, Merkel-against – player belonged to for many a long time to Spahn-image. However, this has, in the meantime, a centimeter-thick layer of dust. Because the man has changed.

Too impetuous, to> a different story <p performance always agreed with Spahn. The münsterland has represented to the times of the financial crisis, Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) in the case of international conferences. In his time as a Parliamentary state Secretary to the Federal Minister of Finance, Spahn was not only impressed by the Chef. As health Minister, he has set right after he took office, long before the Corona pandemic, characters. With improvements in care, measles vaccination and the faster placement of medical specialist appointments, for example. Not long blabber, not large torches – act. So he makes the.

On his way to the top, but this Jens Georg Spahn was not, as he is called by his full name, squeamish. Of people like his predecessor, Herrmann Gröhe (CDU) could sing a song. Spahns weaknesses were even more in Person than in the policy: to be impetuous, to be ungracious, too hard.

Spahn has worked on himself. And that could have been his energy frustrating force performance of the last few months.

dpa/Oliver Dietze/dpa Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) has proven itself in the Corona of a pandemic as a crisis Manager.

care as a new brand of characters

this crisis not occurred, at the latest, since the beginning of the Corona-the Last of the silent suspicion that the old prejudices on the “new Spahn” fit. The 40-Year-old proves not only as a resolute crisis Manager – he just sat and mandatory Testing of immigrants from high-risk areas – rather, he presents himself as a compassionate person. His saying, “we Give more to each other eight” has almost become a kind of trademark. A care-appeal as a “battle cry” – that would have connected two years ago, least of all with Spahn.

Who’s bladder was with him beyond the Berlin Polit-on-the-go, also noticed earlier that pity reflexes are with him intact. If a waitress is humiliated in the pub, there’s a ticking off of Spahn. People that know him pretty well, keep Spahns gentler approach on the political stage for authentic. New is only, that he shows affection too.

loyalty points on the party account collected

Who traces the reasons for these changes in the style, eventually ends up in Spahns private life. “Daniel” have a “great influence” to the Minister, is to. Said Daniel – Daniel Funke, Spahns husband is the head of the Berlin office of the Burda publishing house, which also FOCUS-Online. The 39-Year-old is often when Spahn with key Union strategists hits. Spark could it be the Spahn has suggested that, in addition to accelerating and sometimes braking may be appropriate. You don’t know it, one suspects it only.

With his new line, his own career dreams, Return Spahn has collected at least in this year, valuable loyalty points on the party account. He introduced in February, have their own interests, when he went to Laschet in the fight for the CDU presidency in the Team. Something you like in the CDU. Spahns further dealing with the 59-Year-old is the test case for the sustainability of its turnaround.

solidarity with Laschet as a Test

this summer, this is a real challenge. Because Laschet has not lost in the Corona-crisis on the ground. He slipped in the last few months, ever deeper into the survey-cellar. Spahn, however, ended up just getting in the ARD Germany trend on rank two behind the Chancellor: 60 percent are very satisfied or satisfied.

The temptation of a role reversal, it must be great for a guy like Spahn. President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) has already signaled, “discreet”, that he saw Spahn likes to be on top. Also, individual politicians from the second row ogling public Laschet with a flying change in the Duo-Spahn, want the Younger as a party chief.

Instagram/Jens Spahn, Armin Laschet (left) and Jens Spahn (both CDU) met at the lake of Constance.

“Jens has the Hand on the turn signal”

In the context of Friedrich Merz, laschet’s so far the strongest competitors in the struggle for the CDU presidency, has identified the first “settling movements” Spahns. The old Spahn-warn companions: “you have to keep in mind. Jens always has the Hand on the turn signal“. They all look forward to what may come.

Probably, but nothing comes there first.

Spahn has not met recently, although only with photo proof at the lake of Constance with Laschet, but there was also a Meeting – without photo-proof – with Söder at the Tegernsee. It would be rather naive to expect that Spahn and Söder have only Converses about the beauty of the Bavarian lakes. More Familiar to the Minister but to credibly assure His Alliance with Laschet holds. The “internal relationship” of the two was “intact and good.” Spahn stands.

Peter Kneffel/dpa they know each other well and long: Jens Spahn (l, CDU), Federal Minister of health, and Markus Söder (CSU), Minister President of Bavaria.

the curve Laschet Get?

the curve if he wants to work out, still a Chance for the Chancellor candidacy. In the Union these days numbers of games will be employed. The instructions sound like this: “52 percent is not for Laschet the catapult. 70 percent would be the catapult.“ Say? Wants to secure North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister, the Chancellor candidacy, he doesn’t have to be in the three-way battle with Merz and Norbert Röttgen, just kind of in the front, but a clear discontinuation. At the party Congress on 4. December is chosen by party leaders. This is likely to be hard for Laschet.

in any case, the Corona can bring to crisis gigantic shifts in the political power structure. Like the look of it, no one can predict or pre-feeling.

Currently, in any case, the water level augurs the combination “will Laschet, CDU-chief, Söder but then a Chancellor candidate,” for the most likely Option. Laschet would have to give this variation on the candidacy. This hurdle, however, is for one who leads the most populous state, very, very high. The outgoing party boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer will use in any case, all of the energy to prevent (re -) splitting the Union.

Spahn is the Joker

And Spahn? Joker Spahn could do at the end exactly what is not have expected from him, many in their own ranks for a long time: in the service of the party and personal desires on the back make. Typical of the Joker is that it can be used for various purposes.

such A maneuver could be for the 40-Year-old to an almost unbearable test of patience. Not without reason, his buddies in the münster country once called it “impatience”.

this property links him with another Union politician Markus Söder. “Biden against the Bible and God”: trump’s absurd accusations reveal his despair PCP “Biden against the Bible and God”: trump’s absurd accusations reveal his despair ARD record: citizens with Merkel, reports the government is satisfied as never before FOCUS Online/Wochit ARD record: citizens with Merkel, reports the government is satisfied as never before