The health authority in the Westphalian town of Olpe was temporarily vacated, as the police announced on Saturday. Police forces and a bomb-sniffing dog searched the building in which the rescue coordination centre of the circle is located. After the search late on Friday evening, no explosives found, was released in the building. The police initiated against the anonymous caller was a criminal case.

Neither suspicious articles or persons were able to

Also in Cologne, Germany found was threatened on Friday evening by telephone with a bomb. The call was not a serious threat assessed, said a police spokesman on Saturday. Routinely, the state identified protection. The data suggest that similar threats are to be dealt with also in other cities in North Rhine-Westphalia. Details were not initially known. dpa police and fire departments at the health Department in Olpe to a bomb threat by Unknown.

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In Central franc understood to be” solved two similar calls in the night to Saturday operations. In Ansbach is a threat to the health office, the police announced. Around 30 residents had taken the precaution of leaving your home. The officials found during the search neither suspicious objects, suspicious people.

In Nuremberg, Friday night was also a threatening call to the police. This was against a residential and business house. Police cordoned off the building and searched the rooms. “Currently, it is checked whether there is a connection between the events in Ansbach and Nuremberg,” said a spokesman.

Bavarian interior Ministry: No knowledge of background

Overall, it came in the night to five threatening telephone calls in Bavaria, said a spokesman for the interior Ministry. Currently, the subject to background, no further insights. Also from Pirmasens (Rheinland-Pfalz) has reported a bomb threat against the health Department on Friday evening was found nothing.

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