Emmanuel Macron is at the bedside of Lebanon. The French president has called to “act quickly and with effectiveness,” aid “goes directly” to the public, opening Sunday, a video conferencing international support five days after the massive explosion in Beirut. The head of State has also called on the lebanese authorities to ” act to ensure that the country does dark not and to meet the aspirations that the lebanese people express at this time even legitimately in the streets of Beirut. We must all together do everything to ensure that neither the violence nor the chaos could not prevail “. “Today, however, those who have an interest in this division and chaos, are the powers that would in any way harm the lebanese people “, he added without naming names.

The tenant of the Elysée was introduced, from his summer residence of Bregancon, to Borme-les-Mimosas (Var, southern France), this video conference co-hosted in a few days by the united nations and France, which brings together a dozen leaders, including the American Donald Trump, to be “to the sides of Beirut and of the lebanese people,” who ” weeps for the dead, expresses his anger and wants to take up the head ” after the explosion which damaged a part of the lebanese capital Tuesday.

Read also Explosions in Beirut : “We will draw on our past strengths to hope to rebuild”

It is the future of Lebanon that is being played.

” even At this time (…) it is the future of Lebanon that is played “, he believed, calling back to ” an impartial, credible, independent on the causes of the disaster in the 4 August “. This last ” rang like a clap of thunder. The time of the alarm and the action is now. The lebanese authorities must now put in place political and economic reforms requested by the lebanese people, and which alone will enable the international community to act effectively on the side of Lebanon for the reconstruction “, he added.

The French president insisted on the necessity of” unity “of the international community despite” the geopolitical conditions around Lebanon. He said to expect that Turkey, which ” has not been able to join the video conferencing “, and the Russian federation lend their support, even as Israel, which ” has expressed his desire to bring assistance “.

Read also Explosions in Beirut – Alexandre Najjar : “heads must fall”

In the lebanese capital, international aid is pouring already. Egypt and Qatar are going to open field hospitals. France has put in place an “air and sea bridge” to carry more than 18 tons of medical aid and nearly 700 tonnes of food aid. Two military planes loaded with cargo of medical and food had to again rally in Beirut on Sunday.

writing will advise you

Cotta – Beirut, Macron said out loud what everyone thinks everything down In the ruins of Beirut, the anger of the people