In Afghanistan, has agreed to a great Council of the controversial release of imprisoned Taliban and the most important hurdle for the beginning of the intra-Afghan peace talks out of the way cleared. “We stand on the threshold of peace negotiations,” said the Chairman of the Council for reconciliation and head of the Assembly, Abdullah Abdullah, after the reading of the final Declaration on Sunday.

The release of 400 as a particularly dangerous Taliban was seen as a last requirement, the Islamist group before peace negotiations.

President Ghani: “Loya Jirga today made history”

President Ashraf Ghani had convened the so-called Loya Jirga about a week ago, after the Taliban and government had agreed for the Islamic feast of the sacrifice to a three-day ceasefire. “The Afghan Loya Jirga today made history,” said President Ghani in front of the delegates. “I’m going to the decree for the release of 400 prisoners to sign,” said Ghani more. “The Taliban must now show that she was a country-wide cease-fire are not afraid.”

Around 3400 representative of the company – including about 700 of them women – discussed under strict security measures since Friday about the planned peace talks with the Taliban. In 50 bodies, the delegates drafted a decision with the 25 articles of the German press Agency was present.

The participants called for therein about an unconditional cease-fire between the parties to the conflict, the preservation of Rights for women and minorities, as well as transparency in the planned peace talks.

The militant Islamist Taliban, who had made the release of certain followers of the pre-condition for the since the end of February, scheduled peace talks were to begin with.

thousands of people Dead since the end of February

In the country, the conflict went on last brutally. The Taliban had killed since their agreement with the USA, no Nato soldiers, their fight against the Afghan armed forces, but strengthened. More than half of the districts in the country are contested. Thousands of soldiers and civilians were killed in the bitter conflict since the end of February, with many more wounded.

In the past, Ghani had stressed to be able to 400 Taliban because of the of them committed serious crimes, for legal reasons, not pardon. Among them, 156 are Prisoners sentenced to death, such as a list of the national security Council shows. Also, the alleged mastermind of attacks like the one on the German Embassy in the year 2017 will be located under the hardened criminals, it said in April in Afghan security circles.

at the beginning of the meeting, the controversy> clearly <p is The release of the prisoners is controversial. So to have the national security Council, according to government and international partners agreed, 44 Imprisoned on a "black list" to be considered extremely dangerous.

The controversy was at the beginning of the Loya Jirga clearly, as a Participant during the opening speech of President Ghani with a Transparent protested. She was attacked by an employee of the peace Ministry and out of the room to become. President Ghani condemned the incident later and called for a judicial review.

United States moved troops to the Taliban-agreeing from the

was the convening of The Council without controversy. Experts assumed that President Ghani didn’t want to make this unpopular decision. Afghanistan’s President Rahman Rahmani complained that the holding of a Loya Jirga was not covered by Afghan law. Parliamentarians felt betrayed, and referred to the Assembly as illegal. Ghani commit with the release of violation of the Constitution, criticized you.

The U.S. had with the Taliban on 29 may. February in Doha (Qatar) signed an agreement providing for a withdrawal of international troops. In return, the Taliban insured to terminate their relations with other terrorist organization. At the same time it should pave the way for intra-Afghan peace talks; for a prisoner exchange as a confidence-had been agreed at the end of a measure. Up to 5000 detained Taliban should come in exchange for 1000 of the rebel held prisoners of the government.

After 9/11 the Taliban government was deposed

The Taliban were in Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001. One of the US-led international military intervention after the Al-Qaeda attacks of September 11. September 2001, continued its reign to an end. Today, they are increasingly active in the country.

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