“Corona” forces, the Japanese also resolved to telecommute. So much so that companies like Fujitsu are now the “telework” the principle and the coming to office, the exception. Except that if employees were pleased to escape to the trains and subways crowded in the morning, they saw two major drawbacks. First : actually work effectively when the children turn around without stopping, it is exhausting and not really effective. Segundo : go to the train station, pacing the corridors of the metro stations, or those of the company, mine of nothing, it is to exercise, which in turn lack when one telecommutes.Not to mention that, according to a survey by the Institute Meiji Yasuda survey of 1,000 households with young children, ” a quarter of women in the home do not want their husband works at home, because it disrupts family harmony and he does not know well manage the work/life balance “. also Read the Face of the Covid-19, Japan closes itself to foreigners

2 euro the quarter of an hour

in the Face of this emerging teleworking offers to the outside, in satellite offices. The first, called “Telecube” favors efficiency at the expense of well-being ; the second, ” workation “, it is the opposite. “Telecube “, it is of small cabins hardly larger than those that were used in the past to call from the outside. The Telecube can be found especially in the towers of business districts in central Tokyo, for example at Marunouchi. There are arranged a seat, a table, a power outlet and USB charging. It is air-conditioned and soundproofed, but it must not be claustrophobic. Cost of service : 250 yen (€2) the quarter of an hour. There would, therefore, not the day.Spaces of telework in Tokyo. © Karyn NishimuraUn man about to telecommute to Tokyo. © Karyn NishimuraWorkation, it is much more cool, promoted by the ministry of the Environment, with the active support of the secretary-general and spokesman of the executive, Yoshihide Suga, still very concerned about the health of the hospitality sector and tourism. Workation (fusion of the terms “work” and ” vacation “), it is a neologism created in the sector in Japan several years ago, but that was never really made. In the midst of a crisis of Covid-19, “workation” this is not just two words in one, but also two birds with one stone, as explained in Suga : “It is the fight against the virus and help the hotels through the promotion of teleworking on a place usually reserved for holidays. “Well, one is filled artificially hotels with the teleworkers and, in theory, everyone is part of it. By combining this concept to the campaign in support of ” Go To Travel “, the State supports a part of the accommodation and travel cost. also Read Covid-19 : threat to the life of sexual and emotional Japanese

Fax and spa

Telecommute outside. © Karyn NishimuraÀ Atami, a seaside resort at the edge of the Pacific in half an hour from Tokyo by fast train, the hotel Hoshino Resort bet on this concept to compensate. “We offer special packages for customers who find it inconvenient to telecommuting at home,” says one employee. The need for work (network, small meeting rooms, projectors, fax machine, library, press, etc) is added to the surplus for the relaxation (onsen-spa, swimming pool, restaurant, massage service). But so far, in this season of holiday, “there are 60 % of their clientele in the least, it is hard,” says a taxi driver who rolls down all windows open and no longer uses the air-conditioning as a precaution against the virus.Telecommuting in a garden. © Karyn NishimuraÀ Tokyo also, hotels in lot of clients are trying to attract salarymen of the capital that are struggling to stay in their homes. Las, the dubbed “business hotel” in their tiny rooms are not the best equipped to offer benefits of first choice.The “workation” is attractive on paper, but doctors wonder about the wisdom of encouraging travel in a resurgence of cases of Covid-19 (more than 1 200 new cases recorded per day in recent times in Japan). The concept “Go To Travel” is derided and called “Go To Disorder” (pronunciation very close in japanese). Read also In Tokyo, as many protocols health… as restaurants

writing will advise you

In Japan, the first “suicide of the coronavirus,” sars Coronavirus : the Japanese have been immunized in spite of them ?