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Hong Kong rejects US sanctions – US Secretary visited Taiwan

Monday, 10. August, 09.23 PM: Hong Kong has criticized the US sanctions against the head of government of the Chinese special administrative region, Mrs Carrie Lam, violently. A government spokesman described the recent criminal action against Lam, with a further ten people on Saturday as a “shameless and despicable”. He accused the United States of “hypocrisy”. The government of the 7.5-million-inhabitants city, a former British crown colony, will support all of the counter-measures of the Chinese Central government against the United States.

The United States had announced the latest sanctions in a dispute with the restriction of the autonomy of Hong Kong on Friday. The name Lams and ten other people, according to data from the Ministry of Finance on a list of assets have been frozen. US-Americans are allowed to do business with them anymore. On Sunday, US Minister of health Alex Azar met up with a visit to the diplomatically isolated Taiwan, which could exacerbate tensions between Washington and Beijing.

Lam had denied political motives for the relocation of the election. They justified this with the risk of the Coronavirus following the recent increase in new infections. Also the Director of the Chinese liaison office in the special administrative zone, Luo Huining, which is on the sanction list, has condemned the new penal measures. He don’t even own no assets in the US, but that he could transfer 100 dollars, so that they could be frozen.

China was adopted at the end of June a new security law for Hong Kong, and is therefore massively in the criticism. Since the return of the British colony to China in 1997, Hong Kong is Autonomous, was ruled with its own rights of freedom. The law is the most far-reaching intervention in the autonomy.

health Minister Azar is the highest-ranking member of the U.S. government, the visited since the opening of the US diplomatic relations with China in 1979, Taiwan. Beijing is angry because the Communist leadership considers the island as part of the people’s Republic. After its “One-China doctrine” may actually not a state that maintains diplomatic relations with Beijing, official contacts with Taiwan to maintain.

Meanwhile, another player emerged in the scramble for the future of the Chinese Video App Tiktok on the image surface. According to a report by the “Wall Street Journal” also has the short message service Twitter interest. The Chinese Tiktok-owners-byte dance is negotiating under severe pressure from the White house with Microsoft about a Takeover of the business in the United States and several other countries. The time window is limited: U.S. President Donald Trump announced on Thursday a ban on transactions with byte-dance, the to grab in mid-September.

United States to impose sanctions against Hong Kong’s head of government Lam

16.40 PM: After the controversial postponement of the election in Hong Kong, the United States has enacted sanctions against the head of government of the Chinese special administrative region, Mrs Carrie Lam,. The U.S. Department of the Treasury announced on Friday in Washington. Lam and a further ten people are on a list of persons whose assets to freeze the values of the U.S. government. The head of government was “directly responsible for the implementation of Beijing’s policy for the suppression of freedom and democratic processes,” in Hong Kong, it said in a statement.

the postponement of The election by Lams government at the end of July was pushed in Hong Kong and internationally, to sharp criticism. Lam had justified the transfer with the risk of the Coronavirus, as the number of new infections in Hong Kong has recently risen again. Critics saw the attempt to prevent an embarrassment, because of dissatisfaction with the Beijing loyalty to the government camp and the new state security law is great. Beijing wanted to prevent a success of Opposition. Germany had proclaimed as a reaction to the suspension of the extradition agreement with Hong Kong. dpa/–/Kyodo/Reuters Carrie Lam, head of government of Hong Kong

head of government Lam had denied political motives. The pandemic was a major threat. At a choice there were large gatherings and social contact, which posed a serious risk. There have been more and more countries, the elections are cancelled, or had moved, as such, they would have held. Previously, the Opposition had argued that in other countries had been made and appropriate precautions may be taken.

U.S. policy: Tiktok announces legal action against US to

Friday, 7. August, 11.36 PM: Tiktok has expressed dismay over the planned disposal of the US President, Trump, with, apparently, a sale of the popular Chinese Video App in the USA to be enforced. In addition, the company announced to take legal action. Reuters/Alex Brandon/AP/dpa US President Donald Trump during a press conference in the White house.

“We are shocked about the recent decision, which was adopted without due process”, the company said on Friday. “For almost a year, we strive in good Faith with the U.S. government to work together to find a constructive solution to the concerns raised,” it said further. Instead, we have become aware that the U.S. government was not willing to listen to the facts of attention.

It would be dictated by conditions, without having to go through the usual legal procedures. It will use all available legal means to ensure that the Tiktok and its users are treated fairly.

United States to terminate high-level government visit to Taiwan

Wednesday, 5. August, 10.04 PM: The USA have announced their highest-level visit to Taiwan since a long time. As the trade office of the U.S. government in Taipei announced on Wednesday, will the Minister of health Alex Azar at the head of a Delegation to Taiwan to travel. His visit is likely to weigh on the already severely strained relations between the United States and China.

Beijing considers the South of the Chinese mainland, making this island as a breakaway province, to be with the people’s Republic of United – if necessary with military force. Taiwan broke away in 1949, China split off.

The US trade office Azars, described the planned trip as the “highest-level” visit to Taiwan since 1979. 41 years ago, the U.S. had severed the official diplomatic relations to Taiwan, and Beijing as the only government of China recognized.

However, there had been also in the past decades, visits of U.S. Cabinet mitliedern in Taiwan. These, however, were rare: in 2014, traveled about the head of the environmental Agency, EPA, Taiwan, in 2000, the Minister of transport.

The government in Taipei has confirmed Azars planned visit. Azar will meet with the Taiwanese health as well as the foreign Minister. His Visitation documents, “the solid Basis of mutual trust” between Washington and Taipei, said the Ministry of foreign Affairs.

Unofficially, have to entertain the United States and Taiwan in the past decades, always friendly contacts. Under President Donald Trump Washington and Taipei at the close of more.

on the other hand have worsened relations between Washington and Beijing under the Trump dramatically. In addition to the ongoing Trade disputes, among other things, the handling of the Corona pandemic and the massive Chinese intervention in the rights of autonomy of the Hong Kong special administrative region are among the issues.

U.S. policy: the Reporter brings pulled Trump with Corona-dead Stumble

14.54 at: With an Interview on the history of the Corona pandemic in the United States US President, Donald Trump has a new criticism. In the conversation with a Reporter of the Online portal Axios Trump said the United States had in the pandemic in many of the categories lower values than Europe and the Rest of the world. As evidence, he pointed to various print-outs of statistics.

The Journalist held, contrary to the President on the proportion of the Corona-dead to the number of in the USA, reported cases refer to rather than the reference to the population as a whole. “You can’t do that” said Trump. “You need to refer to the cases.” Many users commented on the short-messaging service Twitter on Tuesday, Trump attempts, the Numbers to downplay. Of the nearly three-minute-long Clip posted within a few hours, more than ten million views.

In the U.S., with 330 million inhabitants have died and more than 155,000 people in connection with a Coronavirus infection, such as from the data of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore shows. So far, there are around 4.7 million confirmed infections with the causative agent of Sars-CoV-2 – in absolute Numbers, more than in any other country in the world. In terms of the total population of countries such as Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom cut bad. Reporter under Trump pulls a facts-Check – breaks the appointment abruptly from FOCUS Online/Wochit “That was a false statement, Sir”: a reporter pulls out from under Trump a facts-Check – breaks the date off abruptly.

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