On a bridge, from where you can see the entire debris field, gathering tourists and shoot photos for Twitter, Instagram and co. The the news page, “The Sun reported”.

applause is there, anyway. Some of the photos that were posted on the network, received strong criticism. Many of the deleted images again.

“shame on you!”

After the Selfies appeared, convicted of a User quickly, the reckless behavior. A Twitter user commented on the Happened: “Beirut is not exactly the place to make beautiful photos.”

another wrote: “This is right to every Lebanese who has just hurt or sadness, almost dies, because something like this has happened.”

tweeted another user: “Beirut is in ruins. People are missing. People are homeless. If you’re Lebanese and just really feel the need to post Selfies of just how good your life is – shame on you!“

Also @Tala5La: “The port of Beirut is just not true characters, in order to make your Selfies. A bit of healthy human mind and have decency.“

was to come in the 165 fatalities after a disaster

last Tuesday in the Lebanese capital to a huge Explosion. Currently, the talk is of 165 deaths and more than 6,000 injured.

the cause of The Detonation is not yet settled. Prime Minister Hassan Diab stated, in the port of a large quantity of ammonium nitrate had exploded. It is 2750 tonnes of the material had been housed in a warehouse.

“Today, a Terrible thing happened”: German student Moment of Detonation, FOCUS Online/Wochit “is the story of Today, a Terrible thing happened”: the German student, describes the Moment of Detonation, All the important messages to the Coronavirus in the FOCUS Online Newsletter. Subscribe now.