The new constitutional Court, presided by Amadou Ousmane Touré, is composed of six men and three women. The nine members of the constitutional Court of Mali were named Friday in accordance with the recommendations of the Ecowas at the end of July to try to pull the country out of the political crisis. The constitutional Court is considered as one of the triggers of the current political crisis, after it was invalidated at the end of April thirty of the results of the parliamentary elections of march-April, including a dozen in favor of the majority of president Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, in power since 2013.

Since that decision, a coalition of opponents, religious leaders and members of civil society demands the departure of president Keita, in power since 2013. The mediation of Ecowas has so far failed to put an end to the political crisis in Mali. The protest was planned Tuesday for new protests against the government. The weekend of July 10, a demonstration had degenerated into three days of unrest murderers, killing at least 11 people dead. Mali is also faced in 2012 to jihadist attacks, parts of the North, and which are mixed with inter-communal confrontations. These acts of violence have reached the centre of the country and neighbouring niger and burkina faso. Anyway, the installation of the constitutional Court is a step in the direction of closure.

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In the presence of high-level officials

During the ceremony, the vips present were all masked, recalling that Mali has reported 2 567 confirmed cases of Covid-19, including 125 deaths, according to the last balance-sheet on Sunday. “I send you in the exercise of your duties,” said president Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, wearing a mask and visor to protect against the coronavirus, in the presence of members of the national Assembly. The ceremony was held at the international conference Center of Bamako, in the presence of diplomats and representatives of civil society, with enhanced security.

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Meeting of Goodluck Jonathan with the imam Dicko and the chief of Nioro

The special envoy of the economic Community of African States West (Ecowas) in Mali, the former nigerian president, Goodluck Jonathan, arrived on Monday in Bamako, attended the ceremony. Mr Jonathan was due to meet on Monday, imam Mahmoud Dicko, the figurehead of the movement that contests the power in Mali, and a delegation of malian civil society, according to a member of his entourage. It must also move Tuesday to Nioro (North-West) to meet the sherif of the town, Bouyé Haïdara, the mentor of the imam Mahmoud Dicko, according to this source. The duration of the stay in Mali, Mr Jonathan has not been specified.

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Understanding the malian crisis in 10 dates Mali : the power will he fall at the hands of the religious ? Mali : how did it come to this ? Five african heads of State at the bedside of the Mali crisis