Because of a sexist comment below a Facebook-photos of Luisa Neubauer, had sued the environmental activist against the right-wing populist author Akif Pirinçci. The Frankfurt am Main regional court issued a preliminary injunction against the author. Appropriate court documents are available to the “mirror”. With its action, Neubauer would like to put a sign against hate on the net.

Hatespeech is an expression of the “structural hatred of women, sexism and misogyny”

Neubauer get numerous hate comments since then, she has begun to speak in Public politically, she says in an Interview with the “mirror”. “A bit of everything: insults, sexual Memes, degrading. Sometimes the comment is only one word long, and sometimes people write whole essays on a shell of me, and then derive, somehow, that I was shagging’. The sexual hatred in the comments is irritating often to the forums about my rape Fanta will be,“ says Neubauer.

On Instagram, your Community is in large Parts of peaceful. “But on Twitter it is in a phased manner crass and on Facebook also, where the comment was posted, in the case of Pirinçci,” said the activist. Facebook use, however rarely. “I get, but sometimes Screenshots sent to you in which I drew attention to the am made, what is written about me. This is pretty wicked.“

In dealing with hate comments Neubauer does not demand, that more is talked about openly: “We are talking here about a conflict between me and the Hater, but about the structural hatred of women, sexism and misogyny are everywhere and always a radical expression”.

Luisa Neubauer calls: business and politics must intervene

Neubauer sees the Tech-companies have a duty to bear responsibility for Hatespeech and protect your online pages in front of it. An intervention in the freedom of expression was not the lags: “This line of reasoning. People can Express their opinion. Blunt sexist, racist hatred must not be tolerated if it violates the law“. In addition to Tech companies, had to intervene, therefore, also the policy. In June adopted a package of measures against right-wing extremism and hate crime to come, according to the Neubauer late.

“It would have taken not years, or decades, to determine that there are extreme right-wing and hateful online forums and groups that swings up and to the starting point for violence in the offline world,” said the environmental activist, the “mirror”. Online hate have consequences far beyond the Internet. This must be taken seriously

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