In the midst a health crisis, it is not uncommon to see masks strew the ground. The minister of the ecological Transition, Barbara Pompili, launched on Wednesday 12 August in Biarritz (Pyrenees-Atlantiques) the “charter for beaches without plastic waste” in response to the jet masks to the ground. The woman then invited the coastal cities to join, be a shame to have “yet to pass” this type of messages.

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For the time being, a dozen cities, including Biarritz, have already signed on, and ” twenty others want to engage “, according to Barbara Pompili, in favour of the charter, which lists 15 concrete actions in the field of prevention, including awareness-raising and clean-up. Presented by 2019 by Brune Poirson, the then secretary of State for the ecological Transition, the charter is “experienced” from and aims to contribute to achieve the goal set by the biodiversity plan of ” zero plastic dumped in the sea by 2025 “.

“everyone can be eco-citizen”

Barbara Pompili has focused on the role of local associations and communities, for these objectives. “We can do the most beautiful laws in the world, if it is not included in the local one will not reach it,” she said, calling on “all of the elect of the coast” to sign the charter, ” a project easy enough for an entry in ecology “, according to her. Evoking also the increase of plastic waste linked to the crisis of the Covid-19, Barbara Pompili recalled that “everyone can be protect the environment by avoiding throwing his mask on the ground, “while saying” sorry ” have yet to get this kind of message “.

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The Sepanso (Society for the study and development of nature in the South-West) influential environmental association in the region, has, on the occasion of the visit of Barbara Pompili, sounded the alarm on “the utrapoubellisation of the beaches of the coast during nightly gatherings wild” with beers, bottles are often broken, cigarette butts, cartons, cups, in the neighbouring department of the Landes. Denouncing a departmental response ” not worth it “, the Sepanso estimated in a press release that, in order to avoid this ” ecological disaster daily “, ” this is not the time to launch a charter, but to put in place a plan of action an urgent need to enforce the laws and regulations in force “.

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