“Bavaria’s”, wrote Söder on Wednesday evening on Twitter that he had to cancel his visit, unfortunately.

The Bavarian state government had to admit that the delays in the Transmission of the Corona test results in Bavaria are much more dramatic scale than previously known. 44,000 in travel returnees wait to test in Bavaria on the result, including 900 demonstrably tested positive. The Infected should get to Thursday at noon, a result, said Bavarian health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU) in Munich on Wednesday. The delay annoyed them “massive”, you will regret this very much. There is a “transmission problem”, “there is nothing beautiful to talk”.

Söder: “The must be corrected immediately and may not happen”

had been tested in the courts At the motorway service stations and railway so far, about 60,000 people from all over Germany. Information on how long people are waiting already, couldn’t make Huml. The problems did not exist at airports, where around 25,000 people tested had been.

Söder called the “error” in the test centres of “very, very annoying”. “This must be corrected immediately and may not happen. All structures are to be checked promptly” demanded the CSU politician.

Söder’d want on a Thursday afternoon, together with his schleswig-Holstein colleague Daniel Günther (CDU), among other things, a watt hike. In addition, a shipping of the two Unions-politicians to the seal banks in the North sea was planned.

entry by Hand, apparently led to Panne

the President of The Bavarian state office for health and food safety (LGL), Andreas Zapf, spoke of a “glitch”. This was due to problems in the data. Some of the forms Tested were incomplete or difficult to legibly completed, in addition, you must be with the Codes of smears cross-checked.

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In Bavaria to all travelers since the 25 July on arrival at the airports of Munich and Nuremberg voluntary test, since the 30. July is also the main station of Munich and Nuremberg stations, as well as to the motorway Hochfelln-Nord (A8), the Inntal Ost (A93) and the Danube valley-East (A3) sites. At the beginning of August has also established a testing center at the airport Memmingen. For vacationers from high-risk areas, mandatory Testing attacks since Saturday in the country.

where the positive Tested come from is not known

First of all, had organisations like the Red cross, an auxiliary to the test centers taken care of. This week, step to take for the step to private operators in the operation. Then, the reaction is to be digitized anywhere.

How many of the 900 Tested positive from Bayern and how many from the rest of Germany to come, could not Huml and Zapf say. Huml and simply referred to a sample from the past few weeks – since 40 percent of the Tests by people from Bavaria, the other 60 percent came from the rest of Germany. Most of the Infected had been found on the A3 near Passau, said Zapf. Exact Numbers he called.

Opposition: “Söders staging as a Corona model pupil gets increasingly cracks”

The Bavarian Opposition criticized the breakdown during the Tests sharp. Green parliamentary group boss Ludwig Hartmann spoke of “blatant government failure”. “This is a shock news for Germany and scratches on the Nimbus of the smug, crisis Manager Söder.” FDP parliamentary Group leader Martin Hagen tweeted: “Söders staging as a Corona model pupil gets increasingly cracks.” This Time, the CSU could not push the “failure of the government” on the small coalition partner, the Free voters, said Hagen.

tracks The Tests for travellers returning to Bavarian auto and major stations had pushed Söder added. Technically responsible to the Ministry of health under the leadership of Humls is. Söder was reported to have been more dissatisfied with the Corona-crisis management of your home. The SPD state Parliament member and former opposition leader Markus Rinderspacher wrote: “This failure requires elucidation.”

mass brawl on the beach: the vacationers go with umbrellas on each other los FOCUS Online/Wochit mass brawl on the beach: the vacationers go with umbrellas on each other los
