This violence that afflicts elected officials

This goes to reinforce the finding of Gérald Darmanin on the “going wild” a part of the society. A note of the central intelligence territorial (JTRS) is back at the Élysée palace in July. Since 1 January, the ex-RG reported 798 the facts of “violence” on the part of activists of all kinds aimed at the elect. These latter are continued at home : 28 % of offences affecting the private property, especially those of local elected officials, and 21 % their local professional. One hundred and seventy shares were issued to staff on duty (85 % LREM) and 69 % of the total are attributable to the ” fairy tale…

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Topic directed by Fabien Roland-Lévy and Michel Revol

Laure Boyer/Hans Lucas/AFP – Lionel GUERICOLAS /MPP/SIPA – Zoltan Mangal/AP/SIPA

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