outrage is intense in the wake of the assault of a jewish man Thursday, August 6, in Paris with cries of ” dirty jew, dirty race “. The mayor of the capital, Anne Hidalgo, has expressed its support. “These acts and these words have no place in Paris “, she pointed out in a tweet. The president of the region Île-de-France, Valérie Pécresse, has indicated that it wishes that the perpetrators ” will be quickly found and severely punished ! “.

the minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, has also cracked a word, taking into consideration ” the overwhelming emotion that afflicts the entire jewish community. It is the emotion of the whole nation and of course the mine.” Other politicians, such as Xavier Bertrand, asked that justice be done. Eric Ciotti, to him, indicated that ” anti-semitism must be fought relentlessly and eradicated “.

Insulted, beaten and strangled

David, age 29, went home to her parents in the 19th arrondissement, to retrieve his daughter. He reports to have been insulted, called a “dirty jew, dirty race” and have been beaten up by two men. His watch, of a value of 10,000 euros, has been stolen. “Two young men, strangers, fairly well dressed, about twenty, have sprung up behind me when I typed the code. They sailed away with me in the elevator. Arrived at the floor of my parents they told me, they jumped to the throat as I slipped out “, he told the daily Le Parisien. “One to me choking while the other me rouait of punches. And then they opened the door to the emergency staircase and I have swung. I rushed down the stairs. I was down to earth, ” he added. It is the father of the young man who was discovered in the stairwell, worrying not to see it happen.

Read also The hatred of jews in line, the other pandemic

According to the findings of the doctors of the UNIT (unité médico-legal) of Créteil (Val-de-Marne), David brow bone swollen, the body covered with bruises, a piece of tooth broke, blood on a leg and bears the marks of strangulation. In a first time and subject of other investigations, he was prescribed 10 days of ITT (total incapacity of work).

The parquet de Paris opened an investigation last week for “aggravated theft” and anti-semitic, has made it known Wednesday, 12 August the prosecutor’s office. “He said that he had to be done to strangle several times and then was pushed in the stairs and lost consciousness,” said a police source. The investigation, entrusted to the safety region, has been open for theft with violence, in a meeting, and because of the religion of the victim, said the prosecutor’s office in Paris. The man was wearing a kippah at the time of the assault, according to Sammy Ghozlan, president of the national Bureau of vigilance against antisemitism (BNVCA), which unveiled the deal, and intends to bring civil.