“We are testing at the border for the whole of Germany,” said Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU), its Corona-test strategy a few days ago. But his Plan didn’t work. The Transmission of the test results take so long that the Corona-Tests for holiday returnees are, in fact, worthless. 900 Tested positive have not yet been informed of their result. What does this mean for Söder?

Over the months, made in Bavaria, Prime Minister in crisis as Anpacker of talk. It was he who turned the pandemic, quickly and consistently. Thus he emerged in the circle of the Prime Minister. As head of the Prime Ministers ‘ conference, he was allowed to present again and again also on the side of German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). Söder is one of the reasons that Germany came in the first few months well through this crisis.

Söder scored as a Corona-crisis Manager

The Prime Minister was able to score this in person: The survey values of the Corona-crisis Manager, soared. In the current “Insa-choice check” of the “image”-newspaper Söder is situated in the popular before the SPD Chancellor candidate, Olaf Scholz, and the CDU-man, Friedrich Merz. Also to Armin and Jens Spahn, he has a real opportunity to clear the nose in front. Many can imagine the Swiss franc as Chancellor.

Has taken over Söder?

But now it seems as Söder have taken on. He wanted too much and too much of a hurry. Within a short time, the test stations had to be built up – at airports, at railway stations and on motorways. This was achieved with a huge effort, on the numerous Volunteers were involved. However, the necessary technical equipment was missing, apparently. The completed paper resulted in a significant backlog to. Added: It could be, especially in the car a lot more people cars to test than expected.

The criticism was followed by the prompt: The glitch was a “serious omission,” said Green party leader Anna Lena Baerbock. She looks at Söder personal responsibility for this. And the Bavarian FDP parliamentary group chief, Martin Hagen, said to the “Bild”newspaper: “Bayern has become the Corona problem in Germany. Söder needs to act now and his overworked Minister of health, dismissed.“ The Minister of health, Jens Spahn said, however, cautious: “the Prime Minister, Markus Söder, has said that it was very annoying. This is without a doubt so. At the same time, it is so that in extraordinary times, mistakes happen,“ said the CDU politician in the ZDF morning magazine.

it is Clear that For Söder to the Test debacle at an inopportune time comes. His Image as a crisis Manager was built up over a number of months carefully. It is now clear cracks. “Only those who can crisis, Chancellor”, had said Söder is still a couple of weeks ago. And not a few have read criticism of the NRW Minister Armin Laschet (CDU), the weeks – made unlike Söder, especially with the Loosening of the Corona-rules of Talk.

Söder must make it credible that he is a good crisis Manager

Now Söder has to prove more than ever that he can crisis. He vorschickte on Wednesday night, health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU), to proclaim the debacle, was not a good sign. On Thursday and Söder make common cause. Söder spoke of a “difficult Situation” and a “serious breakdown”. The error should now be “significantly refurbished”.

Söder made it clear that he is already to face the Dilemma and to show where the errors were. That’s right. Because the only way he can make a credible way, that he is a good crisis Manager.

surf tip: All the news about the Corona of a pandemic, refer to the News Ticker of FOCUS Online citizens at odds with Scholz-question – but with a clear opinion to the Alliance with the Left FOCUS Online/Wochit citizens at odds with Scholz-question – but with a clear opinion on Alliance with Left