After four days of violent confrontations between the security forces and government critical demonstrators in Belarus, the government has aimed to de-escalation. On Thursday, were released, according to official data, more than a thousand during the protests and arrested people out of jail. The Minister of the interior Yuri Karayev apologized, also, that in the demonstrations involved “passers-by” had been injured in the police operations.

“you have to beat with terrible brutality of the course”

After her release from prison in Belarus (white Russia) have reported many people in the bloody protests rocked the country the most serious abuse. In the Videos portrayed women and men that they could hardly have been the closest of cells standing Packed together fed. Many citizens showed – only in underwear – with lacerations and major bruising from the shock-littered body. Several laid-off had to be immediately brought to the hospital, as reported in the Belarusian capital of Minsk.

women are described according to the release from prison on Okrestin street in Minsk, in tears, that they had been beaten. In cells with four beds, 35 women had been, said a Released to the Portal “You have to beat with terrible brutality of the course,” she said. “Everywhere was blood.”

Renewed clashes were apparently. Tens of thousands of people in the capital, Minsk, and other country demonstrated the parts against the election on Sunday, according to the official result of 26 years of authoritarian ruling head of state Alexander Lukashenko with a clear majority had been elected to be. The protests were peaceful. The presence of security forces in the capital was reduced to clear on Thursday.

also read: protests in Belarus – torture state in the middle of Europe: at Night, hear all the screams from the prison,

election as “neither free nor fair,” criticized

The EU foreign Ministers will meet on Friday afternoon in a non-scheduled, scheduled video conference on possible sanctions against the Lukashenko government. The EU has the election as “neither free nor fair,” criticized. Also the crackdown on the protests provides international outrage.

Lithuania’s foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius called the use of force against protesters a “scandal”. In a previously published Interview of the “world on Sunday” he called for sanctions to the Belarusian leadership to show the “borders”. Lithuania has resumed after the presidential election, the refugees opposition candidate Svetlana Tichanowskaja.

dpa Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus, gives his ballot during the presidential elections at a polling station.

In Germany, the SPD called for a joint Initiative of the Federal government, with France and Poland to deal with the Belarus crisis. German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), President of France, Emmanuel Macron, and Poland’s head of state Andrzej Duda should travel to Minsk, said the SPD foreign policy expert Nils Schmid, the editor-in network in Germany. You should go there for Lukashenko “clearly stated that he immediately stop the violence and the dialogue with the political Opposition must seek”.

Federal government asked the Ambassador for an interview

The Federal government asked on Thursday the Belarusian Ambassador to an “urgent call” to the Federal Foreign office, such as in the evening from the Ministry said. According to the “Bild”-Zeitung, Ambassador Boris Sidorenko was communicated to the German Position on the situation in the Eastern European country. Federal foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) had previously argued for more “pressure on those in power” in Belarus and the “brutal crackdown” against peaceful protesters as “in the Europe of the 21st century. Century is not acceptable,“ condemned.

In the case of the protests of the past days had been taken according to the Belarusian government a minimum of about 6,700 people. Two protesters were killed and dozens were injured. Senate President Natalya Kotschanowa announced on Thursday evening that “more than a thousand people had been” left under the pad freely, not any more unauthorized demonstrations to participate in.

According to the Kotschanowa Lukashenko also ordered an investigation to go to “all cases of detention on the ground”. A Reporter for the AFP news Agency watched as arrested people left the Okrestina prison in Minsk. They were received at the gates by hundreds of Relatives and friends. Volunteers gave them Blankets and food and offered them rides home.

Many of the Freedmen had a anxious and exhausted. According to the human rights organization Amnesty International has taken reported that they were able to beat up or rape had been threatened.

resignation of Lukashenko demanded

thousands of people were on Thursday evening with the enlightened phones and flowers on the Central streets in Minsk to demand the resignation of Lukashenko. Earlier in the day, tens of thousands of protesters had formed human chains. Many wore White, the color of the Opposition. Also in half a dozen other cities formed, according to local media, protesters to chain people.

In the election Lukashenko is supposed to have according to official figures, more than 80 percent of the votes won, Tichanowskaja only around ten percent. The Opposition speaks of massive electoral fraud.

De Maizière is surprisingly open response to Merkel’s “can-do”, FOCUS Online/Wochit De Maizière is surprisingly open response to Merkel’s “can-do”
