on Friday 14 August, about 200 people, including anonymous, but also elected officials and representatives of the major religions gathered in Lyon to express their solidarity and fear after the fire of two places of worship muslim. A demonstration of support, organized at the call of the French Council of muslim cult (CFCM). It took place in front of the prayer hall of lyon referred to the previous day by a fire likely criminal. Last Friday, another fire was said to Bron.

” Two mosques burned down in the space of a week. A restaurant run by a muslim trashed. Several imams and rectors of mosques who have received racist messages. Here is the sad record […] the past three weeks in the metropolis of Lyon, ” said Azzedine Gacci, spokesman for the CTIR, the council of imams of the Rhone, which depends on the Council of mosques of the Rhône river (CMR). “The CMR expresses its deep concern over the rise in acts of anti-muslim, in the Rhône “, he continued, adding that, at a meeting in the prefecture, it has been decided to equip all the mosques of the Rhone from surveillance cameras or to organize rounds of police around small mosques.

also Read Lyon : a fire burns a muslim prayer room

the president of The CFCM, Mohammed Moussaoui, has denounced a ” culture that allows for the trivialization of acts of anti-muslim “. “If we want that the terrorism does not exist, that the fraternity increases, it is necessary that there is a link between us,” said as to him, Bishop Michel Dubost, administrator of the diocese of Lyon since the departure of cardinal Barbarin. “It is not possible to build a society united against the extremists, whether those who are not are not united,” he added.

“We enter with fear in a place of worship”

The former chief rabbi of Lyon Richard Wertenschlag put him before “a remarkable example” of this city where all the religious dignitaries ” meet on a regular basis. We have shared joys ; we also share the pain.” “Those who commit this type of mischief hope to sow the seeds of division between us. Our presence today shows that this is futile because we are united by that which is beyond us : our spirituality, ” she said Etienne Tissot for the protestant Church united to Lyon. Come by solidarity, Alahadji, a Lyonnais of 22 years, stressed the importance ” in islam to be united and to show that there is solidarity. […] There are a lot of people. Even people who were not muslim and it shows that everyone supports us “, he told Agence France-Presse. “We enter with fear in a place of worship, whereas it should be a safe place to be, appeased “, has identified his side, another Lyonnais, Adel, 42 years old.