His country is ” threatened “, according to his words, by a movement of protest, the belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko, re-elected last Sunday, said, Saturday, 15 August, wanting to speak with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, in full protest movement growing against his re-election at the head of the Belarus. The two men were finally exchanged, reported the state agency Belta. “The presidents discussed the current situation inside and outside of Belarus “, the agency said in the belarusian Belta, on its chain, Telegram, shortly after president Lukashenko has asked to meet with Putin to discuss the “threat” aimed, according to him, his country and ” our region “.

” aggression is being waged against Belarus. We need to contact the Russian president vladimir Putin, so that I can speak with him now “, said Alexander Lukashenko at a meeting with officials. “Because this is a threat not only against Belarus “, added the head of State.

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allegations of widespread fraud

He had argued that the dispute was threatening “our space” as well as the Union between Russia and Belarus, an intergovernmental union between the two countries. According to Alexander Lukashenko, his country faces a ” color revolution “, the name given to several popular uprisings in the former USSR over the past 20 years, with ” elements of external interference. “

Since Sunday, tens of thousands of protesters disputing the re-election of Alexander Lukashenko, denouncing massive fraud and the violent suppression of the power. For the past two days, the authorities have shown signs of retreat, and president Lukashenka himself has called Friday a “restraint” against protesters, whom he had called “sheep” who had to ” put the brain in place.”

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The power of belarus has received support from Moscow, which denounced the attempts of” foreign interference ” seeking to destabilise Belarus, an ally of the historical Russia, in spite of recurring tensions between the two countries in recent years. The head of the belarusian State had accused Russia of wanting to reduce his country to the status of vassal and of interfering in the election of August 9 in favour of its opponents.

in addition, several thousand demonstrators were gathered once again Saturday in Minsk, capital of Belarus, to protest against the re-election of president Alexander Lukashenko, said a journalist of the Agence France-Presse. Thousands of people converged towards the subway station Pouchkinskaïa, to the west of the centre of Minsk, to pay tribute to a protester who died nearby during a protest last Monday. At the same time, between 500 and 700 people are reunited with the family of the deceased around the casket, which was exhibited in another district of the capital, according to an AFP journalist on the spot. The crowd then dispersed to get to the metro station Pouchkinskaïa.

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