Baryshnik for many years one of the best Olympic boxers of Germany, and celebrated in his career many successes. A total of six Times, the Youngster from Backnang secured in the proximity of Stuttgart national championship title.

in 2013 and 2014 was Baryshnik German Junior champion. 2014 and 2016, he is crowned under-21 champion, and in 2017 and 2018, won the half-world weight the title of national Champions in the elite class. From 2016 to 2019, Boxing champion of the sport soldier in the Boxbundesliga, where he was 2019 team champion with the traditional BC Traktor Schwerin. Internationally, the 1.78 meters big Boxer has already caused quite a stir. So Baryshnik won in 2018 and a Bronze at the U22 European Championships, and qualified in 2019 for the world and European Championships of the men.

“I am very happy that it worked out with the Management and that I was now a part of the O1NE.Sports Teams am. I would like to thank at this point the German Boxing Federation. Mr. Michael Müller from the DBV and Daniel Todorovic of O1NE.Sports have supported me in this matter super. I am sure that my career with two strong partners will get on my side again is a real boost,“ says Baryshnik. Sporty, the six-times German national champion and is currently preparing for the Cologne Boxing World Cup, is expected to rise in October in Cologne, Germany. His long term goal is more ambitious: the qualification for the Olympic games of 2021, in Tokyo, is still.

“We are very excited about the commitment. Vladislav has for years belonged to the absolute Elite in the German Olympic Boxing“, so O1NE.Sports-founder Daniel Todorovic, the stresses that Baryshnik will remain in the Amateurs. “As O1NE.Sport is our focus on the entire sport of Boxing. We do not distinguish in our promotion between professionals and Amateurs, but want to heave, with our support, the careers of all of our athletes to the next Level. Therefore, I am also pleased with the very positive cooperation with the DBV and sporting Director Michael Müller. We have created a good base for the future.“

“After holding intensive talks with O1NE.Sport I have come to the Conviction that this young and modern Agency is aware of the high social responsibility for their athletes aware and to act accordingly,“ says DBV-sports Director Michael Müller. “Vladislav has at the German Boxing Association, a Top support and a very high athletic goals. If he keeps focused on the athletic design of our head coach, Eddie Bolger and his respect coach Vladimir Pletnev, he has a real Chance to qualify for the Olympic games in Tokyo.“

Text: press release

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