It is often the last means of pressure of the discounters, in the face of merciless negotiation poker the price: the discontinuation of well-known branded products. And in the last few years the supermarkets were always brutal. 2018 about buying land to put up with Unilever and the end of the year its supplier relations with the London group is almost complete: Over 50,000 items of well-known brands such as Knorr, Lipton, or Pfanni were listed. Market leader Edeka threw some Nestlé products like Maggi, Nescafé and Kitkat from the shelves. 2019 the same game raged on. At the beginning of the year the beverage-Multi Coca-Cola had to believe it: Edeka banished the sugar water from his stores. Inconclusive price negotiations were the trigger.

in 2020, could require the ritualized battle of the view of industry experts, many brand victim: According to the Corona-Shutdown the retailers re-position themselves and your market to strengthen the position in all circumstances. To the outside of the discounters justify the Auslistungen mostly with “dramatic price increases”, or “unilateral Changes to the terms and conditions” of the Food corporations.

However, Insider reports of brutal methods of Negotiation, the Discounter , including Psycho-Tricks, and insults, although it is “only” a half or a quarter of a Cent amounts in the product prices. With a list, the dealer would make “an example” to the food intimidate suppliers. After all, it is under negotiation at the year talks a large part of the range.

consumers want to cuddle-rate dealers, The consumers are more and more popular as a manufacturer

in the price war, the majority on the side of the dealer. Rainer Münch, industry expert at the Munich-based strategy consultancy Oliver Wyman, has in July 1000 consumer interview. The result: Nearly 40 percent more likely to see the dealer in the duty for cheaper retail prices, even if the respondents hold only 14 percent of the price negotiations, including product auslistungen for the right way.

Also interesting: We buy almost only these eight food giants – without realizing it.

39 percent prefer a partnership approach between retailers and manufacturers. However, a cuddly price will not go down to the discounters, in the negotiations : “From the point of view of many dealers is raging on the market in a price battle,” says Münch: “However, the consumers recognize this is only partially beneficial and feel through the variety of price reductions in the Wake of the VAT reduction is apparently rather overwhelmed.”

Many brands of products are now interchangeable

In this price battle, the four largest food companies Edeka, Rewe, Aldi and Lidl, which control nearly two-thirds of the German market, sit at the longer lever. Since many manufacturers produce the own brands of the Discounter, have Rewe, Lidl and co. yet another printing is A No-Name yogurt can finally fill another. Smaller manufacturers would take such a job. In addition, most of the brands products for the consumer are now interchangeable, so the logic of the discounters Is the favorite chocolate in Rewe, would be to run the least customers that’s why to Edeka, but a sweet Alternative in the shopping cart.

But a lack of brand articles on a broad Front would bring all Stakeholders in the medium term restricts. Just in the Christmas store shelf gaps would be problematic and not to be ruled out, says industry expert Münch. Starting in mid-November, the first shelves empty could.

surf tip: Catholic holiday – opening Hours of Rewe, Edeka on 15.8.: Where supermarkets have open – where

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