The potato is a true all-rounder. Whether cooked, as porridge or in hearty stews – the potato always tastes good, gives dishes a pleasant creaminess and also fills you up. Especially now in winter, when the cold literally creeps into your bones, the tuber is an indispensable part of creamy, hearty stews and soups.

Cooked with seasonal vegetables and a delicious sauce, the potato becomes a regional star of autumn and winter cuisine. In addition to the tuber, all vegetables that are cheap and easily available go into the pot. In addition to carrots, beetroot, pumpkin or various types of cabbage, you may also rediscover forgotten seasonal classics. Celery, parsnips or turnips, for example, are ideal for processing into a hearty stew. Preparation is quick – and after a little cooking time you have a warming, filling meal on the table in no time.

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