The 28-year-old Swiss prevailed after its success in the Spa at the lausitzring against the competition. On the second place of the South Africans Sheldon van der Linde, who secured BMW’s first podium place this season went. Quali-winner Robin Frijns from the Netherlands was third ahead of former DTM Champion Marco Wittmann.

Muller was delighted with the third win in the third race: “It was tough today, Sheldon has set me under pressure.” While Müller had a big lead, but slows down during a tempo limit after a failure of another vehicle from the former Audi-colleague Jonathan but your out of control, that the lead had shrunk to less than two seconds.

DTM Champion René Rast who had been known on Friday his victory in Spa, but had to do with the podium places at any time something. The 33-year-old Minden was the Seventh and lost further ground compared to the leading Müller. The Swiss has in the overall standings, now 70 meter and leads confidently in front of Frijns (43) raster 35 meter registered on his account.

The fourth DTM race will take place on Sunday, once again at the lausitzring, instead of (13.30/Sat-1).

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