The driver collided with your Pedelec against the rear right wheel of the Nissan and crashed as a result. She was slightly injured and went to the accident in medical treatment. It is a property damage in the amount of 2,500 euros.

Abtsgmünd – right-of-way disregarded

A specific accident occurred around 10:48 p.m. in Abstgmünd. A 68-year-old Audi driver, the highway 1072 sailed from the hammer forge coming. At the intersection of highway 1072 and country road 1073, she wanted to go straight ahead. Here, she had disregarded the right-of-way of a 32-year-old Ford driven by a woman, which was driving on the highway from pommert hamlet in the direction of Abtsgmünd. The Ford, driven by a woman drove head-on into the right Front of the Audi. The Ford was thrown by the collision from the roadway and came to in the ditch to rest.

The Audi driver, the Ford driver and the two passengers in the Ford, a 32-year-old man and a one-year old toddler, were injured in the accident. The Ford driver and her passenger were spent with the rescue workers to the hospital. In two vehicle property damage in the amount of approximately EUR 22,000. Both vehicles were not roadworthy and were towed.

Aalen – Under the influence of alcohol vehicle

damaged and ran away early Sunday morning at 02:25 PM, a 33-year-old VW Arm went to the garden road in the direction of Aalen city centre. In the garden road an emergency vehicle with open driver’s door. The VW-Arm rode against the open door. The driver of the Ambulance, did not have to be recorded to Dodge from the VW to. The VW-Arm fled from the scene of the accident, however, could be the driver of the damaged vehicle to the home address provided. The VW Arm was under the influence of alcohol. The polluter had to pull a blood sample and must now reckon with a display.

Gschwend – fallen cyclists

On Saturday morning at 09:29 p.m. police were called to the area of Schwäbisch Gmünd to an accident with a fallen cyclist. This was in a group of five bikes which the country road 1150 of Murrhardt in the direction of the Geschwend sailed. At the height of the junction of the country road on the state road 298, the 63-Year-old went as the fourth road to the right into the Federal road in the direction of Gschwend. After the Turn, he wanted to speed up and in the inaugural, he lost his balance and fell to the left on the roadway. The driver got seriously injured to the hospital.

Lorch – under the influence of Alcohol with city scooter overthrown

On Saturday night against 21:45 clock, the police were called to the area of Schwäbisch Gmünd to an accident with a fallen scooter driver. This drove in Dahlienweg a slope down and came because of his alcoholism to Fluctuate and fell head first on the road. The driver was taken due to his injury in a hospital. Due to the alcohol he had to undergo a blood collection and must now reckon with a display for drunk driving.

Mutlangen – right-of-way miss

respects On Saturday night against 23:17 PM it came out on the state road 298 to the junction Mutlangen-North to a traffic accident. A 19-year-old Ford driven by a woman went to the B 298 from Spraitbach coming and wanted to turn to the left, Mutlangen-North at the height of the gas station. Here, she had disregarded the priority of the oncoming 40-year-old Audi driver, which sailed in the B 298 of Schwäbisch Gmünd in the direction of Spraitbach. Both drivers were, as a precaution, spent with an ambulance to the hospital. The vehicles were not roadworthy and had to be towed. Material damage was caused in the amount of 28,000 euros.

Schwäbisch Gmünd – Assault witnesses sought

early On Sunday morning at 05:27 PM it came in front of a restaurant in the Türlensteg to a Physical altercation, in which the alleged offender fled. In the restaurant group came in the course of the Evening from any unknown persons to verbal disputes and provocations against the Injured party. After the Victim had left the pub, waited for the group of people already in front of the locality of the Victim. It’s verbal dispute developed and a physical confrontation shifted to the market place. The Victims were injured by kicks and blows of the 10-member group of people easily. After the perpetrators saw the approaching patrol cars, taken the foot of the escape in the direction of the train station. In the course of the investigation the three perpetrators were arrested.

to give what information the perpetrators can be witnesses are asked to contact the police station Schwäbisch report Gmünd under 07171 3580.

This post is provided by: police headquarters, Aalen/news up to date. An editorial review by FOCUS Online has not taken place.

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