This case shows how dangerous Sneezing suppress

can fly out to be With a minimum of 150 kilometers per hour when you Sneeze, tens of thousands of tiny particles from the nose. The trigeminal nerve in the nasal mucosa gives appropriate signals to the brain, to cleanse the respiratory tract from dirt and dust particles. A Sneeze is usually loud, and allows others for a Moment startle. (Read also: how to get rid of your hiccups again)

Serious injury due to Sneezing suppress possible

A 34-year-old man was so unpleasant that he was placed the mouth and nose to prevent the Sneeze. His reaction, he paid almost with the life, as the Doctors in the journal “British Medical Journal” to describe.

After the incident, the man described severe pain when Swallowing, could hardly speak and told of a “space feeling” in the swollen neck. The complaints were directly occurred after he had suppressed a Sneeze under. In the hospital of Leicester, the Doctors diagnosed a tear in the pharyngeal muscles. The Patient had to be a week of tube feeding and got antibiotics. (Also interesting: This error make almost all of the nose

Clear recommendation to brush): In the crook of your arm, To come instead of Sneezing to suppress

of such a breach, it is very seldom, to explain to the doctors. Suppressed Sneezing lead, in General, only rare complications, they are theoretically possible. Also, a ruptured eardrum, or blood vessel in the brain are conceivable. Other Doctors reports of miscarriages and ruptured major arteries. (Also read: hay fever: Is Covid-19 for Allergy sufferers particularly dangerous?)

statistics on how often the dangerous complaints occur, there is no. Experts warn against such a risk at all: that One should not press the appeal below. You sneeze in a handkerchief or the crook of your arm. In order to protect their fellow human beings, you should also maintain the greatest possible distance and the Sneeze of other people turn away. Handkerchiefs immediately, then dispose of it and wash their hands. In the sense of: health!

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