With a shaky Hand Wadiha Boutros Keries stretches the empty medication packs into the air: “I can’t afford a new medicine for my seriously ill husband,” says the 84-Year-old crying. In addition to her 80-year-old man the Risk of Shendi sitting on a plastic chair and stares with tear-rimmed eyes, and a bandage around the head to Empty. An object hit him in the Explosion in Beirut on the head. He has Alzheimer’s disease, type 1 Diabetes and is in urgent need of medication. In the door Cyrine Farhat and observed the scene. When she is wearing a green cooler bag, and a blood sugar measuring device. She’s moving to the elderly Couple and given to Wadiha a pen the large subject of the much-needed Insulin for your husband.

Cyrine Farhat is not a Doctor. She is a young Lebanese woman, who herself is suffering from Diabetes type 1 and it has the task to help the people in Need. “Something like a state here. There is no government. We all help each other so we can survive,” she says, as she leaves the house of the elderly couple.

“help each other to survive,”

Cyrine is 28 years old, a business consultant and a under of thousands of young Lebanese who go after the Explosion in Beirut on the road to help the people. In June of 2019, she has founded her own NGO under the name “Positive on Glucose”, to support people who are suffering from Diabetes, but also to the disease. Grew up, the 28-Year-old in a Shia district in South Beirut, which are considered to be Hezbollah’s stronghold.

Cyrine is self-Schiitin, sees itself politically, however, as a neutral. It is a “stereotypical Thinking is to be expected”, that it was because of their religion, and their origin is automatically a supporter of the party. This cliché is preparing you especially for the distribution of their medical products from time to time, and doing so makes their origin and often unmentioned. You’ve already made the experience that people are afraid of her, if she calls you your denomination.

the Explosion at the port in Beirut happened, sat Cyrine with her husband on the Sofa. “At first we thought it was an earthquake, and in the next Moment, that it was an attack by Israel.” The fear of a military strike from the neighboring country is large, the memories of the Lebanon war of 2006 are anchored at the young woman still deep. Just you have survived this war unscathed, she says, the houses in their neighborhood had been destroyed.

And now again everywhere with images of the destruction caused by the Explosion. You awaken in the young woman from the first Moment the feeling, to want to help immediately. On Instagram, she finds a group of young Lebanese who prepare hot meals to people in Need distribute. You closes immediately. Cyrine says, for you it is, of course, support in times of each other, regardless of denomination or origin. The cell phone of the enterprising young woman never stands still. While driving in the city, she receives a call: Someone wants to donate to your NGO of 500,000 Lebanese pounds (currently about 85 euros), to be able to more blood sugar measurement devices and Insulin buy. “Yes!” she screams in happiness.

“The civil society fills a large gap in the medical care of our country, while the political System is failing,” says Ghassan Hasbani, former Lebanese Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of health, in an interview with DW. The Detonation had taken a company that had already invested deeply in the crisis. The income of the citizens was low, unemployment was 30 percent, more than half of the population limit, so the Ex-Minister living below the poverty line.

Hasbani was until last January, part of the government, speaks of the “scenario of a failed state”. Against this Background, the use of the civil society is of particular importance. Many hospitals were severely damaged and could only be through international assistance and Running, or restored held.

Also Cyrine wants to try with their work to close such gaps, at least in the case of the supply of drugs. This commitment of civil society to make, in the meantime, even different political groups of the Establishment as his own. Cyrine reported that they have already received enquiries from parties, whether they wanted to be the “Shi’ite face,” committed cross confessional for their own purposes. “They’re all bastards,” she says, angry.

“We will,”

How Cyrine many Lebanese know that their country requires fundamental changes to develop. In October 2019, the demonstrations begin against the government in Beirut, Cyrine seven months pregnant and full of hope. She wants a better future for her daughter. A state and people, the life, regardless of their Religion or origin, and a government that thinks of the population – and not on self-enrichment. As the nationalists later on, however, and Cyrine finds that yet again, all political Parties lapse into their old patterns, it loses for the time being, the hope for a political turnaround in the country that she loves with a Patriotic devotion.

The by now re-ignited commitment positive. “I know that we will get there eventually. Maybe not today. It may not be tomorrow. We need time. But we can do it.” Meanwhile, the politicians are Cyrine indifferent. She sees them as those who Rob you and others complicate life and energy. In addition, you can wear in your opinion, is also to blame for the death of their unborn daughter. “She died because of a medical error in a corrupt System.” The pain still sits deep, but this is a sad loss to encourage you today in your Do, says Cyrine.

“Action makes a difference”

“Cyrine can do,” said Cyrine Farhats Account on Instagram. And in fact, you can and makes you. Cyrine is not moving things because they come. On the phone you told your friends of the older Couple that they visited in the Morning. You know that Wadiha and the Risk of relying on a permanent support. To be a nurse, which she regularly visits and cares for. Therefore, you will start to spontaneously share with your friends a call for donations and crying in the evening, almost happiness, when she learns that a nurse has been found. That’ll make you happy. “My Actions today made a difference,“ says Cyrine yet, as you will distribute up for more drugs to pick up in the coming days.

author: Sina Schweikle (Beirut)

an Explosion in Beirut’s shocking, Lebanese in Berlin, PCP Explosion in Beirut’s shocking, Lebanese in Berlin

*The post “Beirut: A young woman helping explosion victims” is published by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.

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