” A day of shame “. Harassment, discrimination, and lack of commitment to the fight against anti-semitism : étrillé in a damning report on its failure to combat this scourge, the british labour Party has suspended its former leader Jeremy Corbyn. Shaken for years by incidents to repeat, and a host of resignations, the Labour party has been the subject of an investigation conducted by the Committee for the equality and human rights (EHRC), an independent organization of the party.

The facts date back to the years when the Labour party was led by the very left Jeremy Corbyn, swept away by the conservatives of Prime minister Boris Johnson in the elections of December 2019. “This report is hard to read and it is a day of shame for the labour Party,” said his successor since April, Keir Starmer, presenting again his apologies for the attitude of the party. “Never Till you drop, the more we never will fail to tackle anti-semitism and more never we will lose your trust “, he hammered, promising to implement all of the recommendations.

failures “inexcusable”

In his presentation of the report, the acting chair of the Committee for equality and human rights (EHRC) has étrillé failures “inexcusable” resulting from a ” lack of will tackling anti-semitism, rather than an inability to do so “. In his text of 130 pages, the Committee concludes that the labour Party has ” committed illegal acts “. Labour is now the legal obligation of establishing, in agreement with the commission, an action plan to address by 10 December, failing which they risk prosecution.

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Jeremy Corbyn, a 71-year-old, wrote on Facebook that he did not accept ” all ” of the findings of the report and it ruled out any personal failure in the fight against this scourge. “In the light of its comments “, the party has “suspended Jeremy Corbyn” and opened an investigation, announced a spokesman for the Labour. Without going as far as exclusion, the Party, however, takes the risk to revive its divisions by punishing its former leader (2015 to 2020), still an mp, who had transformed the Labour party in the first party of Europe in terms of number of members with a strong popularity in the activist base.

A significant number of complaints

“We have found examples of harassment, discrimination and political interference” during the investigation, says the committee in its report, étrillant the shortcomings of the leadership of the party. The survey has highlighted that a ” significant number of complaints related to anti-semitism have not been the subject of an investigation “, particularly on social networks. The party ” must now produce an action plan to implement our recommendations “, says the Committee, recalling the commitments of the team of Keir Starmer in this regard. “The recommendations are clear, fair, and achievable” and are designed to ensure that the party takes its commitment to a “zero tolerance” in the face of anti-semitism.

In a joint statement, several jewish organizations were of the view that the report represented a ” damning verdict on what Labour has done to the Jews under Jeremy Corbyn and his allies “. The conservative party was rocked recently by stories of messages islamophobic on social networks, has accused Keir Starmer to be stuck to the sides of Jeremy Corbyn “when the reins” of the Plough was left in the ” racist anti-jewish “. “If Starmer is serious “, it must “exclude Jeremy Corbyn,” said Amanda Milling, co-chair of the Tories.

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Since his arrival at the head of the party, Keir Starmer, the more liberal and europhile than his predecessor, has sought to end the legacy of his predecessor Jeremy Corbyn. At the end of June, Starmer had ousted Rebecca Long-Bailey – designated as the heir of Corbyn – the leadership of the party for sharing on social networks an article containing ” a semitic conspiracy theory “. Then, in July, the new management has agreed to pay substantial damages to former employees who had been critical of the response of the party in the face of anti-semitism. Decision described as “political” and “disappointing” by Jeremy Corbyn.

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