car manufacturers such as Volkswagen or Renault to build cars in factories in Africa. However, most vehicles will be imported in the huge continent from other countries, especially vehicles from the EU countries is needed. Between the years 2015 and 2018, 14 million needed had been the vehicles of the three largest exporters to Africa transferred, the Federal office for economic co-operation and development.

used cars from the EU; Japan and the U.S.

In the new cars since some years a new Player: China. Manufacturers such as Chery or Great Wall sell their cars, mostly Pick-Ups, buses and small cars, in countries such as South Africa. Most of the cars come from the European space:

  • The EU is doing, with 54 percent of the first place of the Big exporters – every second “old crate” in Africa comes from Europe .
  • To rank two and three in Japan with 27 per cent and the USA with 19 percent. The findings of a recently published study by the United Nations environment programme (short-UNEP). Cattle man, An old BMW in South Africa

About 60 percent of the EU-second hand cars trade takes place within the EU, as a spokeswoman of the Federal office for economic co-operation and development (short-BMZ) has announced. The Rest is, however, in developing and emerging countries. In the year 2018, it was introduced a Million used cars from the EU to Africa .

South Africa’s mother of the broken-down cars PCP in South Africa mother of the broken-down cars

“Out of sight, out of mind”

Now, you may not have a picture of countless wrecked folding boxes, which are already roadworthy, and only to Africa, to dispose of them. That’s true, but only partly. Cattle, man, VW builds the Polo Vivo in Africa – it is based on an older Generation Polo

“The vast majority of used vehicles are exported from Europe to Africa, are certainly roadworthy and help, the demand for vehicles in a cost to satisfy favorable”, the Federal office for economic co-operation and development. Especially since the road safety is positively influenced, if the old cars are replaced by newer ones, in the case of active and passive safety systems are significantly more advanced vehicles.

Some countries set the age limit for import of cars

In 20 countries in Africa had been set a maximum age limit for used car imports. But these will not be followed more strictly. Generally, and here is the problem, there is in most of the developing countries, including in Africa, is often no regulations on the quality or safety of imported cars . The car would still hold 10 years – still scrapped: scrap dealer shows Diesel-insanity FOCUS Online car would still hold 10 years – still scrapped: scrap dealer shows Diesel-madness

The relates to in addition to a control for the age of the imported vehicles, the emission standard. A study shows that only about a third of the surveyed countries have weak or very weak directives for the regulation of the import of used cars.

Africa as a scrap yard of Europe?

Problematic the whole thing is, if Germany and Europe have high environmental standards, old cars are then exported but simply in developing countries with less strict Standards. Chery, The Chinese manufacturer Chery sells its vehicles in Africa – such as the SUV Tiggo

Not only old cars,but electric appliances and garbage are disposed of in a large scale in Africa. “I the itself Africa’s largest electrical scrap’ve seen a place in Ghana. We need a controlled circular economy, where every home for its garbage and scrap disposal systems built and controlled”, says the German Federal Minister for development, Gerd Müller.

Minister: “Everyone needs to build self-disposal systems”

in fact, Müller addresses a major weak point in developing countries. In many countries, waste management, or Comparison not exist anywhere at all. Thus, it can be assumed that the end-of life vehicles to be recycled according to the use of on-the-spot properly. Cattle-man cars have to live in entwicklungsg countries is longer than in the EU
The Federal Ministry of development, therefore supports local governments in developing or emerging countries in the implementation of an improved waste management of electronic waste from consumer electronics and electrical appliances, including components from old vehicles are. For example, the BMZ is supporting, according to his own statement, in Ghana, the establishment of training centres on the old Fadama-the junkyard. The unskilled, so-called informal “Recyclers” are trained to recycle electronic waste under local possible technological conditions properly and dispose of it.

The number of cars is drastically

rise, it is Clear that The number of cars will increase in developing countries, which is also an accompanying phenomenon of growing prosperity. In addition to the Use, and the mobility gain through such vehicles in the countries of import, in perspective, but also environmental problems. The environmental program of the UN expects that the global number is set to double in commercial vehicles by 2050. In this case, the vehicle growth in Non-OECD countries are a mixture of imported or locally produced new cars and imported used vehicles, the BMZ.