the office next to the city of Duisburg, heart of Jesus Church looks for half a century and half as a sports business for long-distance runners. The city of Duisburg, father Tobias is a Premonstratensian a pious man, the bears in the monastery of his white monastic robes.

And at the same time, an avid Marathon and Ultramarathon runner who has completed 111 of this cross-country competitions.

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EUR 1.5 million in the past 15 years

Both of these things fit together is not so bad. The 57-Year-old praying on occasion, in the Run – preferably, the father runs out of breath, our, and especially when it.

And he collects with any kilometers donations from sponsors for 2007 based project “worth Living” – an advice centre with Sozialcafé, Syrian-German Restaurant and a children’s charity with a total of 19 employees.

A company pays him for example, two euros for each Marathon kilometers. Seven competitions he has already completed this year. A total of around 1.5 million euros, the “Marathon father has run for” since 2006.

Agency offers to all those in need with the necessary support

Duisburg-Neumühl in the North of the industrial city, is a poor district. You see, in the pedestrian zone, and, not least, the dirty-grey facade of the Church itself. Almost every second child is at risk of poverty – that is to say too little money for healthy eating, sports clothing and club contributions, excursions, Children and Christmas gifts.

by Contrast, the father wants to fight with his Agency. It supports cooking and swimming lessons, food license, provides aid to children whose families can’t afford clothes and the cost of treatment, a Christmas gnome of action and once-a-week school Breakfast for 420 primary school children.

The Advisory body of the project is also helping the needy, not found in the thicket of Hartz 4, housing benefit and child welfare cope, “concealed and eye-to-eye”, as stated in the prospectus. In the Syrian-German Restaurant, cook and serve former refugees, some run even with the father Marathon – everything is not a matter of course in a disadvantaged neighborhood, the mood shifts and the AfD in the last Federal election, with almost 30 percent, the strongest party.

After the desert could now be written in the Antarctic follow

His experiences as a Boy grabs on the farm with, as a young businessman in a car dealership and then as a monk after his studies in theology, and his experience at the races has father Tobias, together with a Co-author in a book, on 1. April is published.

A special role in the biggest adventure of father: a 172-mile run with Eight-kilogram backpack through the fine Sand of the desert of Oman, with hundreds of meters high dunes, poisonous snakes and Scorpions, and a long night stage through the darkness headlights as points of reference only, all two kilometers plays.

Here, in the hours of solitude of the night, felt the believer in Christ particularly close to God, and of his early deceased mother, as he describes. But at the same time, the existential experience had a very specific Use: The desert is brought, because it was so extreme, there is a whole lot of funds a donation: 26.000 Euro.

“I want to live like Jesus,” says father Tobias again and again. “And Jesus not only talked, he was also”, – stated in the book. The same applies to the next projects of the father: 2023, he wants to run in the icy cold of the Antarctic, a Marathon. And He collects money to renovate, finally, the front of his Church.

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