The Falcon 9 rocket jumped within the Florida skies before sunrise.

Four astronauts in three nations bound for the International Space Station started in the Florida shore early Friday morning as part of NASA’s SpaceX Crew-2 mission.

The Falcon 9 rocket blazed across a dark sky before sunrise and NASA affirmed soon after liftoff Friday the astronauts had reached orbit.

I have observed many launches and seeing a pre-dawn launching is particularly exciting and only visually magnificent,” NASA’s acting secretary, Steve Jurczyk,​​ stated in a post-launch news conference Friday morning. “I couldn’t be pleased with this group.”

“What an unbelievable launch, ideally you guys must see this morning, right as the sun was climbing we shot off,” Kimbrough said by the Crew Dragon”Endeavor” capsule soon following the astronauts reached orbit.

“We chased the sun fairly fast and caught up only a couple of minutes after we removed. This was very special to see the sun coming in soon after liftoff,” the mission’s commander added.

McArther stated,”The ascent was amazing, the journey was very smooth.

Friday’s launch marked just the third time that Elon Musk’s personal space-faring company has flown astronauts.

Additionally, it ushered in a new age of reusability in human space exploration, since the assignment employs the exact same Falcon 9 rocket which delivered four astronauts to the ISS last November and also the exact same Crew Dragon spacecraft that returned and sent two astronauts throughout the first crewed SpaceX flight May.

“I met with the team , they are all set to go,” Jurczyk​​ said in a pre-launch news conference in the Kennedy Space Center on Wednesday. “I asked them what they anticipate most in the assignment, and they stated getting up on channel and getting to work”

This marks the”next launching in under a year” for NASA’s Commercial Crew application, he explained.

The launch was originally scheduled for early Thursday morning but has been moved to Friday because of downrange inclement weather.

Ahead of liftoff, the U.S. Space Force 45th Weather Squadron had predicted a 95% chance of favorable weather conditions from the region to get a launch.

Jurczyk stated Wednesday the NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory staff received a call earlier this week by U.S. President Joe Biden, who informed the investigators on their achievement in running the first controlled flight on a different world .

“He advised the group his grandson asked him was he likely to go to Mars,” Jurczyk explained. “So that is something very important that people do.”

“We empower commercial activities in distance, we demonstrate direction, and we inspire another generation,” he explained.