It blooms pink to purple and exudes a pleasant scent: the mosquito aurora has been named the “Orchid of the Year 2024”. The orchid can grow up to one meter high, making it one of the larger orchids found in nature, as the Native Orchid Working Groups announced at their conference in Arnstadt, Thuringia.

Because of the shape of its flowers, the mosquito-handlewort (Gymnadenia conopsea) can only be pollinated by insects with long proboscises, such as butterflies. It can be found, among other things, in extensively grazed meadows as well as in fens and spring moors, as it was announced. In the north of Germany their occurrence is declining sharply. The reasons are climatic changes and the change in the use of meadow areas that has been observed for decades. The species does not grow on intensively cultivated agricultural areas.

The local orchid working groups in the federal states are committed to maintaining existing biotopes. Since 1988, a native, wild species has been named “Orchid of the Year” every year. According to information, there are up to 80 species in Germany.