The House says no to the draft constitutional law on the presidentialism of the Brothers of Italy. To fight for the reform, which would have led to the direct election of the Head of State, was the party of Giorgia Meloni who presented the bill. The suppressive amendments of the 5 Star Movement and Action were presented to the Chamber, while other modification proposals were signed by Italia viva and Forza Italia. The provision of the Movement passed with 236 yes, 19 abstentions (the Renzians) and 204 no. The center-right voted in favor, against the rest of the center-left. It was from Lega and Forza Italia that Meloni had asked for a “proof of loyalty” in the Chamber, after the absence of Fi and Carroccio in the Constitutional Affairs Committee had led to the approval of the same suppressive amendment that arrived today at Montecitorio.

For the Democratic Party, the reform proposal is nothing more than “propaganda, especially ten months after the end of the legislature”, underlined Stefano Ceccanti. And Renziano Marco Di Maio adds: “There is no time to approve this reform. Having said that, we acknowledge the merit of this bill for opening a discussion on the possibility of a reform of our form of government”. But Meloni observes: “Presidentialism is the mother of all reforms for those who think beyond the proclamations that sovereignty really belongs to the people and want a policy that is truly capable of deciding and that takes responsibility for the decisions it makes. Anyone you love. truly this nation cannot fail to make an in-depth evaluation of this question in conscience “.