Upon returning from his institutional trip to America, the Prime Minister will go to Parliament. In recent days, the leader of the 5 Star Movement, Giuseppe Conte, had insistently asked Draghi to report to the Chambers on the sending of weapons to Ukraine. The aim of the grillini: to vote a motion against rearmament. Matteo Salvini also agrees with the Movement, but Mario Draghi, despite meeting the demands of the 5S and the League, has chosen not to proceed with the vote in the Chamber. For this reason, on May 19 at 3 pm he will be in the Hall of the Chamber for question time in front of senators and deputies.

Meanwhile, this morning the secretary of the Democratic Party and the leader of the 5 Stars met. A two-hour meeting in which, according to sources from the two parties, Enrico Letta and Giuseppe Conte had a “cordial” dialogue. In reality, there are distances between the two on two positions: on the construction of the waste-to-energy plant in Rome (commissioned by the mayor dem Gualtieri and opposed by the former first citizen Raggi) and on the sending of weapons to Ukraine.

And in fact from the Nazarene and the 5S headquarters they explain that “the various issues were dealt with, even those that saw the respective political forces in positions that were not fully convergent”. The two leaders, the parties continue, “have not hidden the tensions of recent weeks but have reaffirmed their intention and determination to continue the path of dialogue”. I – Letta clarified at the end of the meeting – I considered it an excellent discussion, we assume the differences, but we want to go on together “.
