A first partial block on gas flows to the EU will begin today, after the announcement of the stop to transit through the Sokhranivka entry point due to the occupation of Russian forces. “It will be a long war,” said the White House, where Prime Minister Draghi met with US President Biden yesterday and the House approved a new aid package worth 40 billion. “Putin thought of dividing us but he failed”, the words of the Prime Minister in the Oval Office. Today Draghi will be in Congress and will meet Nancy Pelosi. The Pentagon: “Arms to Ukraine long before the invasion”. Elon Musk denounces the intensification of the Russian hacking attempts against the satellite systems made available to the Ukrainian army, and the horror continues on the ground. The Polish premier: “Putin worse than Hitler and Stalin”. Zelensky announces the advance of his troops in Kharkiv, denounces Russia for the “deportation” of 30,000 citizens and because it has left “deadly traps” on the liberated territories. If on the one hand Moscow accuses Kiev of blocking ships loaded with cereals in the Black Sea ports, on the other hand it attributes to the UN for having ignored the non-compliance with the Minsk agreements and assures that “after the military operations in Ukraine it will not there will be more of a world dominated by the US “

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Boris Johnson, has promised that Britain will help the armed forces of Sweden and Finland in the event of a crisis. In a joint press conference in Stockholm with Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, the British Prime Minister announced that he had agreed with the two countries to “increase the security of Europe”. Readiness to send troops was not explicitly mentioned. Stockholm and Helsinki in the next few days are expected to dissolve the reservation on the request for NATO membership and have asked for guarantees of security in the event of Russian aggression during the ratification procedure of the candidacy, which can last for months.

The self-proclaimed Russian republics of Donetsk and Lugansk have announced that they have blocked access to Facebook and Instagram, aligning themselves with the policies of Moscow with respect to the two social networks owned by the American company Meta. The Guardian reports it.

“The Ukrainian Border Guard service has regained control of 1,200 kilometers of the border in the regions of Kiev, Sumy and Chernihiv: two thirds of it is a Russian border”. This was stated by the director of the Department for State Border Protection, Leonid Baran in a press conference, as reported on Telegram by the Ministry of the Interior, underlining however that “the danger remains, so the classic border protection measures are not enough. Measures are currently underway to inspect the area in detail and to create additional checkpoints. “

The Rome Prosecutor’s Office sued Tetiana Shevchenko, the mother of the 9-year-old child whose father, Giovanni Arcangeli, a Roman engineer, lost track in Ukraine on 23 February. The proceeding stems from a first complaint filed by the man in 2016. The charges against the woman are of abduction and detention of a minor abroad. The trial, however, which is subject to the decree of unavailability of the accused, was set for next June 27th. On that date the single court could, therefore, suspend the proceedings pending the tracing of the woman.

Russia will continue to fight in Ukraine as long as the conflict consumes so much of its military resources and capabilities that the country risks losing its status as a great power. Henry Kissinger said this during an event sponsored by the Financial Times, as reported by Newsweek. The former US secretary of state admitted, however, that he did not know how to predict whether Moscow could resort to nuclear weapons: “now we live in a totally different era” compared to that of the Cold War, he explained. Kissinger also recounted how he managed to divide Moscow from Beijing, treating the two enemies differently and argued that now, against the backdrop of hostilities in Ukraine, Washington should try to do the same thing again. The former head of US diplomacy warned against taking an “antagonistic position” against both Russia and China, which could lead the two countries to become even closer. “After the war in Ukraine, Russia will have to reexamine its relationship to Europe at a minimum and its general attitude towards NATO,” he noted.

The Bari Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Russian soldiers on Ukrainian civilians. The Bari investigation file is opened against unknown persons for “international collaboration on crimes of aggression”. It follows Eurojust’s request to the prosecutors at the International Criminal Court and in the various member states to “preserve, analyze and archive evidence relating to crimes against humanity committed in Ukraine”. In Bari, the investigation, delegated to the police, is coordinated by the prosecutor Roberto Rossi and the adjunct Francesco Giannella.

“We were traveling in a column of cars evacuating civilians from Mariupol, when we arrived at a Russian checkpoint, a soldier opened fire on us, hitting an 11-year-old girl sitting in the back seat in the face.” She tells Adnkronos Katya Erskaya, 31-year-old journalist and video producer, originally from Odessa, but resident in Mariupol, chosen because “before the war it was a very welcoming and livable city”. On 24 February Katya, who as a correspondent told about the conflict in Donbass, was ready for the worst: “I knew very well that the war would start and that she would soon arrive in Mariupol, where gunfire was already being heard on the east coast. I had packed my suitcase. , I kept the documents at hand, I wrote the will and gave directions to my friends. I was ready in short, I expected the war to start, but I did not expect this level of atrocity and destruction “. After a few days in which in the city “nothing particular happened, only gunshots could be heard from afar, as there began to be fights in the street and there was a shortage of electricity, gas, water and above all the connection, so no one could ask for help in case of need”. And so she Katya decided to volunteer at the municipal center. “We brought people food and basic necessities,” she says. She volunteered by her and she too had been at the dramatic art theater, transformed into a shelter for civilians and bombed on March 16, the same day the volunteer journalist managed to evacuate from the city, using the second open green corridor. Her car was leaving Mariupol, when among the many people who fled on foot, she noticed a group of four women: grandmother, mother and two girls. “What struck me was that they had two cats with them in their carriers, a small turtle in a container and two hamsters. A family that instead of carrying suitcases with clothes, runs away with the animals, is necessarily made up of people good and conscientious. So we decided to welcome them and give them a lift, “explains Erskaya.

(Alb / Adnkronos)

The authorities of the Kherson region will address the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, with a request to annex the region to Russia. This was announced by Kirill Stremousov, deputy head of the regional military-civil administration, according to what Ria Novosti reports. “The city of Kherson is Russia, no Khnr will be created on the territory of the region (Kherson People’s Republic, ed), there will be no referendum “and” we will beg Putin to fully annex the region to the Russian Federation “, said Stremousov.

The Kremlin replies: “The residents of the Kherson region have to decide for themselves” whether or not to apply for the region’s accession to Russia, moreover, this possibility should have a clear legal justification “absolutely clear as with Crimea”. Spokesman Dmitri Peskov said this.

Meanwhile, the Kherson authorities are negotiating the opening of a Russian bank: “We have to switch completely to the ruble. A bank in the Kherson region could be opened in the coming weeks”. Stremuosov reiterated this.

Russian President Vladimir Putin does not intend to declare martial law in Russia during the special operation in Ukraine. This was announced by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov quoted by TASS.

“We hope and expect that the completion of our military operation, having achieved all the objectives set within its framework, will help stop the West’s attempts to undermine international law, ignore and grossly violate the principles of the United Nations Charter. , including the principle of sovereign equality of states and will force the West to stop promoting the so-called unipolar peace under the rule of the United States and its allies. ” Moscow Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said this at a press conference following talks with Omani Foreign Minister Badr Bin Hamad Al-Busaidi. Tass reports it.

“The United Nations Secretariat has lost the opportunity to reach a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis, ignoring Kiev’s failure to respect the Minsk agreements”. Russian Foreign Minister Serghei Lavrov said this, according to Interfax reports. “Speaking of a broader role than the strictly humanitarian one that the United Nations could have played, to my deep regret, the United Nations Secretariat, including the Secretary General, have lost the opportunity to reach a political solution because of the absolute lack of reaction to the blatant sabotage of UN Security Council Resolution 2022, which approved the Minsk agreements, by the Kiev regime for the long seven years, “Lavrov said in a press conference following talks with Omani Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr al-Busaidi. .

Ukraine rejects cooperation that would facilitate the departure of ships loaded with grain and cereals currently blocked in ports. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergej Lavrov quoted by the Russian news agency Interfax. And he added that Ukraine has placed mines in the ports where the ships loaded with grain are located, preventing them from setting sail. .

Lavrov said it was not Russia’s fault for blocking the export of food from Ukraine and instead blamed Kiev and the West for the food security problem. “Our actions have not in any way influenced and cannot influence the” food safety “problems that have been created exclusively by bans, illegal sanctions imposed by Western countries,” he said at a press conference with the Omani Foreign Minister. , Badr Bin Hamad Al Busaidi. The Kiev authorities, he added, are not letting dozens of ships carrying food from their ports leave.

Russian troops left deadly traps in the eastern Kharkiv region. The city is under bombing and “fierce battles” are underway in the region. Governor Oleg Synegubov wrote it on Telegram quoted by the BBC. Kiev officials previously explained that the Ukrainian counter-offensive liberated some towns near the key city of Kharkiv. Synegubov urged residents to stay in shelters or “run to the liberated settlements”, but to be careful because Russian troops they left “death traps” in the region. “The enemy is doing everything to harm as many Ukrainian civilians as possible,” he added.

Advances by Ukrainian forces in the eastern region of Kharkiv, the epicenter of the conflict in the Northeast, under partial control of the Russian armed forces, were announced by President Volodymyr Zelensky. The head of state, while calling for caution, confirmed in the course of his speech to the nation the information reported by the general staff of the Ukrainian armed forces, according to which the army had “liberated” at least six small towns in the region in an area a few dozen away. kilometers from the Russian border. Among those who have left Ukraine are 1.2 million people who Russia has transferred from the self-proclaimed pro-Russian republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, almost 9 thousand yesterday alone, according to data provided by the head of the control center. of the national defense of Moscow Mikhail Mizintsev and relaunched by the agency Tass. In the perspective of Kiev these people are “deported” to Russia, this is the term used by the Ukrainian media in giving the news. According to the governor of the Ukrainian administration of Donetsk, Pavel Kirilenko, at least 30 thousand citizens of the port of Mariupol, in the South-East, the scene of a siege that has lasted for more than two months, have been “deported” to Russia.

The Ukrainian authorities’ statements come as the House of Representatives of the US Congress approved a new $ 40 billion aid package in Kiev. The financial support, which must pass through the Senate, also includes an increase from 5 to 11 billion in the support available under the presidential drawdown authority (Pda), a clause that implies the possibility that the president can send aid, including military ones. , without going through congressional approval. The bill also includes $ 900 million to support assistance to refugees who leave the country, which according to data provided by the United Nations is nearly 6 million. The humanitarian situation in the country will be at the center of a meeting called for tomorrow by the UN Security Council, according to reports from a diplomatic source of the organization to the Russian agency Tass.

Vladimir Putin is more dangerous than Hitler or Stalin, “he has more lethal weapons at his disposal” and can use the Internet to spread his propaganda. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki wrote it in a speech for the ‘Daily Telegraph’, arguing for the need to wipe out the Russian leader’s “monstrous ideology” and “deputinize the world”. For the head of the Warsaw government, “the ideology of Russkiy Mir, Russian world, Putin is the equivalent of 20th century communism and Nazism”. “It is an ideology through which Russia justifies invented rights and privileges for her country”, which poses a threat not only to Ukraine but to the whole of Europe and must be “completely eradicated”. “Putin is neither Hitler nor Stalin but unfortunately he is more dangerous”, continued Morawiecki, warning against the risk, if he fails to stop him, that Putin “will make the Russian forces march towards Europe”.

A part of some Ukrainian military units expelled by the Russian army from the city of Rubizhne, in the Donbass, are blocked inside the Zarya chemical plant. This was reported by the Russian agency Ria Novosti, referring to the words of Apta Alaudinov, assistant to the Chechen president Ramzan Kadyrov. “For all these days we have been busy blocking the Zarya plant. We had the task of freeing it from the left flank as far as Kudryashovka so as not to leave the enemy behind us. This task has already been completed, our forces and our means have practically blocked the Zarya plant, “said Alaudinov.

The Russian army yesterday fired at an institution for children with disabilities in the Luhansk region. This was stated by the head of the Luhansk regional military administration Serhiy Gaidai, quoted by Ukrinform. “The Russians opened fire on Gorsky. They hit the regional special school, where children with special needs were studying. An institution with modern renovations and new equipment. Thanks to the Russians,” said Gaidai. Also yesterday, Russian soldiers have Residential areas and infrastructure in the region bombed 15 times, the main Severodonetsk pipeline was damaged, Ukrinform reports.

The Ukrainian natural gas network operator has stopped transporting Russian gas through Sokhranivka. It is the first time that the war has an impact on the supply of natural gas. The Ukrainian operator said shipments through its Novopskov hub, in an area controlled by Moscow-backed separatists, would be cut due to interference from the “occupation forces”. The move could force Russia to shift its gas flows through Ukrainian-controlled territory to reach its customers in Europe.

Russian state-owned energy giant Gazprom said it could not redirect gas, although preliminary flow data shows higher quantities through a second station in Ukrainian-controlled territory. The Ukrainian pipeline operator said the Novopskov hub handles about a third of the Russian gas that passes through Ukraine to Western Europe. Gazprom has estimated the figure at around a quarter.

As confirmed at a press conference by the Chief Cabinet Secretary and Government spokesman Hirokazu Matsuno, Japan has decided to expand the sanctions imposed on Russia following the invasion of Ukraine, with the freezing of the assets of Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and of 140 other people. The list also includes officials from the Russian government and pro-Russian groups in Donetsk and Luhansk, and 71 organizations and companies active in the IT and naval sectors. “We are extremely shocked to see the devastation, the severity of the humanitarian crisis and the destruction caused by the Russian aggression of Ukraine. For this we will work together with the partners of the G7 to further increase the pressure on Moscow “, said Matsuno at a press conference.

At the end of the general audience in St. Peter’s Square, at the moment of the so-called ‘kiss the hand’, this morning Pope Francis will meet and greet the wives of two officers of the Azov Battalion, the Ukrainian military unit whose fighters are currently barricaded in the tunnels of the steel plant Azovstal of Mariupol, opposing the last irreducible resistance in a city already in the hands of the Russians. The young wives of the Azov soldiers wrote to the Pope in recent days and surprisingly they received yesterday the invitation for today’s meeting in audience. They are therefore present in the Vatican churchyard awaiting the Pope’s greeting.

“He is our last hope”. Thus Kateryna Prokopenko and Yulya Fedosiuk, wives of the two officers barricaded inside the Azovstal steel mill. The two young women ask the Pope and Onufrij, primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church “to become a third party in this war and to help us start a procedure to take them out. We hope that security guarantees will be put in place to be evacuated in a third country, where you can lead a normal life, in a safe place “, they conclude.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said contacts between Russia and Ukraine in the sphere of talks are progressing. “Contacts on the negotiations are in progress,” she told Radio Sputnik quoted by the Russian agency Tass.

“They are rather ineffective”, said after the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the words of the EU diplomat Josep Borrell, according to which the European Union cannot act as mediator in the talks between Moscow and Kiev, but Turkey could take on this role. Peskov added that “the process of negotiations started without mediators and continues without mediators in a rather slow and ineffective way”. And he added: “However we are grateful for the efforts of our Turkish colleagues, for having created the necessary conditions for a meeting in Istanbul”.

By the end of the year in Mariupol, more than 10 thousand people could die from diseases and intolerable hygienic conditions. This was announced by the mayor of the city Vadym Boychenko, according to which “the occupants have transformed Mariupol into a medieval ghetto. Without medicines and medical treatment, without the restoration of the water supply and adequate sewage, epidemics will break out in the city that will cause an increase in mortality. “. And again: “Now the city has 150-170 thousand inhabitants – continues the mayor – The majority of the current population is elderly and sick. Without adequate hygienic conditions, mortality among vulnerable groups will increase exponentially. Some residents of Mariupol from neighboring villages they returned to the city because they cannot enter the territory of free Ukraine due to a strict filtration system. The Russians continue the genocide that began on February 24. Our people are in mortal danger. A complete evacuation of the city is necessary. ” .

Portuguese police searched an assistance and reception center on charges of having handed over the personal data of Ukrainian refugees to Russia. This was reported by ‘European Truth’, according to which the Portuguese police have seized documents in a migrant center in Settubal, the Unity Association of Eastern European Migrants, of which a Russian couple is a member.

On the 77th day of the war, the Russian army is conducting the most active hostilities in the directions of Slobozhansky and Donetsk, trying to gain a foothold in the direction of Kryvyi Rih, in southern Ukraine: the General Staff of the Kiev Armed Forces wrote in the report of the morning quoted by Ukrainska Pravda. “The enemy does not stop offensive operations in the eastern operational zone to establish full control over the territory of the Donetsk, Lugansk and Kherson regions and keep the land corridor between these territories and the occupied Crimea. The greatest activity of the occupiers is observed in the directions of Slobozhansky and Donetsk, “the document states. According to the General Staff, Russian units are concentrating their efforts to prevent the further advance of Ukrainian troops towards the border and conduct reconnaissance activities in the north and north-east of the city of Kharkiv.

226 children have been killed and 417 wounded since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. This was reported by the Ukrainian Attorney General’s office, specifying that the highest number of victims is recorded in the Donetsk, Kiev and Kharkiv regions. Due to daily bombing by the Russian army of Ukrainian towns and villages, the statement added, 1,657 educational institutions were damaged, 139 of which were completely destroyed.

The fighting continues on the island of Zmiiniy, known as the Island of the Snakes, with Russia trying to strengthen its garrison there, exposed to the enemy. British intelligence writes this in its update on the war in Ukraine. The forces of Kiev, the 007 in London point out, hit Russian anti-aircraft and Russian supply ships with Bayraktar drones. The latter have minimal protection in the western Black Sea, following the loss of the Russian Navy cruiser Moskva. to face the Russian troops. However, “if Russia consolidates its position on Snake Island with strategic anti-aircraft and cruise missiles, it could dominate the northwestern part of the Black Sea,” is finally stressed in the update.

The fighting continues on the island of Zmiiniy, now better known to all as the Island of the Snakes, strategic, as the Ukrainian Defense Forces remember, for the control of the northwestern Black Sea. reinforcements arrive at the Russian garrison on the island while the Ukrainians claim to have destroyed, with the Bayraktar drones, the anti-aircraft batteries of the occupiers and also their supplies by sea.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Ukrainian forces have recaptured some villages in the Kharkiv region. “The armed forces of our state have given us all good news from the Kharkiv region. The occupiers are gradually being pushed away,” the leader said. “I am grateful to all of our defenders who are holding the line and demonstrating truly superhuman strength to oust the invading army, once the second most powerful army in the world.”

The US Chamber overwhelmingly approved the new $ 40 billion package of military, economic and humanitarian aid to Ukraine proposed by US President Joe Biden. The new funding passed with 368 votes to 57. Most likely it will also be approved by the Senate by the end of the week.

Elon Musk warns that Starlink, the satellite network made available to the Ukrainian resistance, has up to now blocked Russian attempts at a cyberwarfare carried out with disturbances and hacking, but Moscow “is stepping up its efforts”.

The US President, Joseph R. Biden, and the Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, met in the White House. The two leaders confirmed the strong and broad partnership between the two countries, reflected in the deep and lasting ties “between our peoples and our nations”, of which “our alliance” within NATO and the partnership between states are fundamental components. United and EU. Thus began the joint statement released after the interview. Biden and Draghi, it continues, discussed the recent developments of Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified war in Ukraine, underlining their constant commitment to the pursuit of peace, supporting Ukraine and imposing costs on Russia. To address the challenges to the global economy created by Russia’s initiatives, the two leaders discussed measures to promote food security and reshape global energy markets. Biden and Draghi also confirmed their commitment to work together on global crises brought about by Covid and climate change, along with continuing cooperation on shared foreign policy challenges, including China and Libya. The two leaders look forward to further discussions at the G7 and NATO summit in June.

Joe Biden and Mario Draghi confirmed their commitment to work together on global crises brought about by Covid and climate change, along with continuing cooperation on shared foreign policy challenges, including China and Libya. The two leaders look forward to further discussions at the G7 and NATO summit in June. It is always read in the joint press release issued at the end of the interview.

The United States sent arms to Ukraine “long before the invasion” by Russia. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told Fox news. “The United States has told the world what it had seen Russia do since last fall: amass troops at the border with the intention of invading Ukraine” , explained the spokesman for the Ministry of Defense. “We said it loud and clear, from here but also around the world, especially in Europe”, added Kirby, stressing that “not everyone believed us. But we were right about what Russia was about to do”.

Between eight and ten Russian generals were killed in Ukraine by the forces of Kiev. This was stated by the head of the US military intelligence services, General Scott Berrier, explaining that the heavy toll is due to the “unusual role” that the military leaders of Moscow have played in the war against Ukraine. “Instead of leading the operations remotely,” Berrier explained, “the Russian generals had to go to the front to make sure their orders were carried out.”

In their meeting in the Oval Office, Joe Biden and Prime Minister Mario Draghi, “faced with the global economic challenges created by Russian equities, discussed measures aimed at strengthening food security and reshaping global energy markets”. released by the White House in which it is emphasized that “the constant commitment to the pursuit of peace by supporting Ukraine and imposing costs on Russia will continue”.

Leonid Kravchuk passed away yesterday at the age of 88: he was the first president of independent Ukraine, from 1991 to 1994. Formerly a leading exponent of the Communist Party, nicknamed ‘fox’, his political cunning failed to protect him from popular discontent. To put an end to his 32 months in office, runaway inflation, scandals related to corruption for privatizations and also the decision to get rid of the nuclear arsenal of the former USSR hosted in Ukraine.

Leonid Kravchuk, who “as a child survived the Second World War and the occupation, knew the cost of freedom. With all his heart he wanted peace for Ukraine, and I am sure we will achieve it. We will achieve our victory and victory. our peace “. Thus Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recalled the figure of the first president of independent Ukraine, who died today at the age of 88.

Masha Alekhina, one of the members of Pussy Riot, the punk group that made itself known to the world with a protest against President Vladimir Putin in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, has fled Russia. She disguised herself as a ‘rider’ so as not to make the Moscow police who guarded the apartment of her friend where she was staying suspicious and managed to escape from house arrest and flee to Lithuania via Belarus. She recounted it in a long interview with the New York Times.
