The appeals of four No Vax teachers of Massa Carrara who were suspended from service were rejected. These are the first sentences on employment and the pandemic pronounced in Tuscany.

The labor judge of the court of Massa, Augusto Lama, issued the first four sentences relating to appeals by Apuan teachers, two professors of the Gentileschi professional institute of Carrara and two teachers of the comprehensive Don Milani of Massa, all of whom had refused to get vaccinated and were therefore suspended from service last January.

The judge found the applicants’ motivation to be “unfounded” and “legitimate the behavior of the school administrators who at the time acted as required by law in order to protect public health and maintain adequate safety conditions, in providing the essential service of the instruction”. According to the ruling, “the combined regulatory provisions, with their respective additions and amendments, clearly indicate what behavior was required of the teaching and non-teaching school staff of the Italian school from 15 December 2021 to 15 June 2022”.

However, regardless of the decision of the Massa labor court, the same four teachers were subsequently reinstated in their workplaces when the government again changed the regulations on Covid.