This big ball of social and very endearing fur has a little magical je ne sais quoi for Isabelle Deschamps Plante since she is soothing.

• Read also: Montreal wants to allow dogs in the metro by the end of the year

1. What is the reason that led you to have this cat?

Mila was adopted a little over a year ago. It was a Valentine’s Day present. In fact, I’ve been chasing my boyfriend for two years to get one, but he’s allergic to cats. While doing research, I discovered that Siberians cause fewer reactions. So we went to see a litter and did a test: we took our time and my boyfriend petted them and put them close to his face. He had no reaction!

2. Are you more “cat” or “dog” and why?

I had dogs when I was younger, with my parents. Having a dog is impossible at the moment with our catering schedules. It’s a retirement dream. A cat is easier and it’s pleasant. I have been a cat since I had a cat. It makes a nice presence at home. And since I have Mila, I find her soothing.

3. How would you describe Mila’s personality?

It’s a pot of glue. She often lies on top of me. When I’m in a telework meeting, she lies down on me or on the computer. When I write on the computer, she lies on my arms… When I cook, she sits on a bench near the kitchen island and looks at me. She is a follower. She follows me everywhere in the house. She is smart and very social. She comes to say hello to the visit at the door! I didn’t think I would love an animal like that and get so attached to it.

4. Tell us a funny fact about Mila.

She loves cheese. She goes completely crazy when you eat it…

5. Tell us about one of his bad tricks.

She demolished an almost new sofa by scratching the side of the furniture. I tried lots of stuff, but nothing worked. At some point, you give up. Luckily it’s just that couch and she doesn’t touch anything else!

6. What is his favorite activity?

She fetches objects like a dog. She comes to bring us hair ties or wine corks to throw at her. And it can last a very long time. She does not get tired. She loves this game. She also likes to play with Lindt chocolate foil balls.

7. What is his favorite place?

My buddy, Sébastien, made her a little bed with a chest of drawers in which he placed his hoodie. He installed it at the top of the stairs. In the evening, she follows us upstairs and lies down in her bed. It may sound corny, but I think it’s so cute.

8. What do you wish you had known before getting Mila?

The intense loss of his hair, all year long. This is her only fault: she loses a lot. Even though I brush it every day. If you dress in black, it’s over! You have hair everywhere! Sometimes, when she moves in a ray of sunshine, it seems that her silhouette, in hair, stays behind her!

9. How can Mila be a source of well-being for you?

Since we adopted her, I find her soothing, I am less stressed. When she comes to stick on me and purrs, it’s soothing. Seems to absorb my stress. Watching her sleep also calms me down.

10. Like Master, Like Animal

Not really, except the fact that we’re both easy going, uncomplicated and laid back.