Nine years after the end of the Image Mill, a new multimedia show with video projection on a building will be presented this summer, in Quebec. This time, it is the facade of the Parliament Building that will serve as a screen for Bleu: Le Québec sous les étoiles.

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First planned for the summer of 2020, this creation funded by the Ministry of Culture to the tune of $1.3 million and produced by the Quebec firm TKNL will be on view from June 18 to 22, as well as June 24. .

We think we can bring together more than 10,000 spectators per evening in front of the National Assembly (access is free) to see, from 9:30 p.m., this show which seeks to arouse pride by revisiting our history as part of the festivities of the National Holiday.

“I remember how the enthusiasm for the Image Mill was phenomenal. We wanted to recreate something similar, which will present our history, our traditions, ”said Deputy Prime Minister Geneviève Guilbault.

“It’s a work that will strike the imagination,” added the Minister of Culture, Nathalie Roy.

France Castel

The 20-minute story revolves around a grandmother, played by France Castel, who crosses Quebec by canoe with her grandson.

About fifty Quebec artists participate in the show, but it is France Castel who is the figurehead.

“For me, France is a strong woman from Quebec. She is unanimous, ”said producer Nathalie Gélinas, the one who had the challenge of animating the Parliament Building, as her firm has been doing for several years at the Canadian Parliament, in Ottawa.

It’s not without obstacles, but “it’s a building that responds very well to light,” she noted after testing it two years ago.

Elsewhere in town?

It is not excluded that the public life of Blue: Quebec under the stars exceeds the window reserved for it in June 2022 and that it moves elsewhere in Quebec in the future.

“Why not make it travel on other buildings? “Submitted Nathalie Roy, to which the producer replied that it was technically possible to adapt the visual to other facades.

In addition, no screening is scheduled for June 23, in order to leave plenty of room for the National Day show, back this year on the Plains of Abraham.