Lac-Mégantic lawyer Gloriane Blais was found guilty of a disciplinary complaint brought against her, which accused her of having “committed acts derogatory to the honor and dignity of the Bar” during remarks made on two occasions, according to the Disciplinary Council of the Barreau du Québec.

The complaint had been filed by Me Daniel Gagnon, who accused her of having failed in her duty as a lawyer and “of having acted in such a way as to have prejudiced the administration of justice”, under the Code of ethics. lawyers.

The comments alleged against him were made during a pre-hearing conference during a dispute between Martin Lajeunesse, whom Me Blais represented, and Investissement Québec before the Superior Court, on June 25, 2020.

The rest of the complaint related to remarks made during an Application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada on March 5, 2021, where it would then have evoked the bias of Judge Bureau, responsible for the file.

Me Blais contested the complaint in both cases, claiming that his remarks were justified.

The disciplinary council, composed of the president, Me Marie-Josée Corriveau, and Me Julie Biron and Me Charles P. Blanchard, however ruled otherwise in their decision rendered on April 29.

“His behavior is not what the public expects of a lawyer in such circumstances. Contrary to what the respondent claims, it is not in this way that it must serve justice”, is it possible to read.

“Regardless of the reasons for which the respondent considers that Bureau J. was wrong to win the case against Investissement Québec, it was his duty to remain respectful of the authority of the courts and not to discredit the administration of justice. However, the respondent did just the opposite by borrowing disproportionate and excessive terms from Judge Bureau”, it was specified.

Both parties will be convened at a later date for the sanction hearing.