Thousands of people took to the streets yesterday in León, Ponferrada and Villablino to demand a future for the province. The march was massive in the capital of León where, however, the one-hour strike called between twelve and one in the afternoon was nothing more than anecdotal since it was only supported by students, and, to a lesser extent, officials and some other business. Trade and hospitality, however, did not close their doors.

‘A Lion with a future. We must put an end to so many decades of promises, lies, excuses and discrimination. So read the banner that opened in the capital of León the demonstration called by the UGT, CCOO, USO and CGT unions to demand a reindustrialization and investment plan to stop the depopulation suffered by the province.

The Plaza de San Marcos was the place chosen to start the protest march 816 days after the mobilization that, under the slogan ‘The moment of León. Solutions now. Employment. Infrastructures. Reindustrialization ‘, broke participation record in February 2020 with the same starting point, reports Ical. On this occasion, there were about 15,000 -according to the calculations of the Local Police- the people who supported the march. «Leonese society has removed its resignation and has shaken off its dandruff. The Government of Spain and that of the Junta have to fulfill what they promise”, remarked the provincial secretary of the UGT, Enrique Reguero, while his CCOO counterpart, Xosepe Vega, advocated “continuous pressure” and added that “a broader dialogue in society as a whole.

The mayor of León, José Antonio Diez, stressed that it is “in favor of León”, to demand that the administrations react to the “unfortunate” situation in the province and the institutional representatives that act as such and as spokespersons for citizens. “above all” because solutions depend on political decisions.

The president of the Leonese Federation of Entrepreneurs, Javier Cepedano, stressed the objective of calling on the central and regional administrations and their representatives “to fulfill the commitments and promises they make to us in each electoral campaign.” The president of the Chamber of Commerce, Javier Vega, was very concise when pointing out his message on this day: «Against no one and in favor of León». The general secretary of the Union of the Leonese People, Luis Mariano Santos, did not think the same, who wanted to emphasize that the mobilization “is against someone, against the policies of the central and regional governments.”