Are you familiar with the concept of “cognitive dissonance”?

It is when your actions do not match your values.

For example, an environmental activist who gives the green light to a big oil project in the open sea (any resemblance to a federal minister is pure coincidence).

Or a doctor who smokes. Knowing with full knowledge that he inhales deadly products and puts his health at risk.


Sometimes, I tell myself that the entire Quebec population suffers from cognitive dissonance.

We know that Ottawa will not give us new powers (we have seen this several times in recent weeks).

We know that the 1982 constitution (which no Premier of Quebec has recognized, let us emphasize) prevents us from governing ourselves as we wish.

We know that our weight within the federation is visibly diminishing, weakening our balance of power with Ottawa.

We know that Canada will never accept laws like the timid Bill 21 or the “even-shyer” Bill 96.

We know that Canadian multiculturalism dooms French-speaking Quebecers to being no more than a minority among many others.

We know all that.

We read the studies, the reports, the graphs, the projections.

And we saw François Legault receive kicks in the back repeatedly.

“Could I have new powers?”

– Nope ! A kick in the back! »

“Could I have new powers?”

– Nope ! A kick in the back! »

We’ve seen all of that.

But we still want to stay in Canada.

As Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result each time. »

“Do you want to part with our beautiful and great country?

– Oh no, we want to stay!

– It does not change anything, a kick in the back the same, just in case! »


But how to avoid these repeated insults if we don’t want to leave then?

Patrick Moreau has the solution!

In an interview he gave to Le Devoir yesterday, this professor at Ahuntsic College had this brilliant reflection:

“As soon as we are shown Canadian diversity, we have to be shown a veiled woman, a turban, etc. As if the only admissible difference were superficial. If Quebecers were content to be a minority among others, wearing the arrowhead sash during Saint-Jean, Canada would be delighted and would tolerate them as it tolerates any costume of any ethnic minority. or religious. »

There you go, friends!

Let’s play the folk card!

They like it, ostentatious signs? They will have it!

Let’s break out the beaver-skin helmets, snowshoes, plaster pipes and wildcat coats!

“Where is my hood? as Charlebois sang.

And every time someone asks us a question, we will answer with marine metaphors!

Like Vigneault!

“Life is a long journey! We must cast off! »


And let’s not forget the rigs!

Have fun, friends, have fun!

This is how Canadians love their minorities: costumed, smiling, exotic, folkloric!

Let’s transform our beautiful province into a Quebec Pavilion, like at the Expo!