The intense and prolonged parliamentary storm that unleashed yesterday afternoon on the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, barely allowed a brief parenthesis of relaxation. It was precisely when the spokesman for Vox in the Constitutional Commission of Congress, José María Sánchez García, enumerated his harsh recriminations against the minister for the espionage scandal and the dismissal of the director of the CNI, Paz Esteban, which he interpreted as another unacceptable assignment to the independence. The Vox deputy suddenly began to wave at the air, trying to scare away a fly that interrupted his intervention. Sánchez García even appealed to the “high authority” of the president of the commission, the socialist Patxi López, to see if he could get rid of the annoying fly. He smiled, but denied help and refused to use his authority to intervene: “The freedom to flutter,” alleged Patxi López. But the fly then also interrupted Bolaños: “A little annoying!” The minister agreed with the Vox deputy. Just on that.