Dario Villanueva, writer and former director of the RAE, has won the Francisco Umbral Award for Book of the Year 2021 for his essay Biting the tongue, a “very relevant reading in these moments of confusion and confusion in society”.

This was the opinion of the jury for this award, which was presented to Villanueva by the Minister of Culture, Tourism and Sports of the Community of Madrid, Marta Rivera de la Cruz, the president of the Francisco Umbral Foundation, España Suárez, and the mayor of Majadahonda, José Luis Álvarez Ustarroz.

In the words of the winner about this essay, language “does not belong to the State”, although “if power assumes this new language and forces citizens, we enter the field of censorship”.

Likewise, during the award ceremony for this award given yesterday and endowed with 12,000 euros, the president of the Francisco Umbral Foundation, España Suárez, stated that “Morderse la lengua” is an “essential” book because “it constitutes a solid literary testimony “.

For his part, the mayor of Majadahonda, José Luis Álvarez Ustarroz, an institution that together with the Francisco Umbral Foundation awards the prize, thanked the author for having written “a direct, fun, educational, different, dazzling and delicious essay to read” .